ACPA Live with Leadership is a digital webinar series that highlights timely events within student affairs and higher education presented by some of the fields greatest leaders. Our Live with Leadership Series is currently paused to further develop a comprehensive curriculum, but please review the past episodes below for insightful education from our panelists!

upcoming live events:

ACPA21 Convention Updates: A Virtual Experience
16 October 2020 // 1:00pm EDT on Facebook Live!

Join ACPA21 Convention Chair Bernie Liang and ACPA President Vernon Wall for updates on the ACPA21 Convention. They will share how ACPA21 will be an experience that is refreshing, revitalizing, real, and now, reimagined. Learn how you can join the virtual experience taking place 1-17 March 2021.

Visit the ACPA Facebook page to join us LIVE at 1pm EST!

previous presentations:

30th Anniversary of the ADA
presented 17 August 2020
panelists: ACPA Coalition for (Dis)Ability

re-CALI-brate with PAN
presented 27 July 2020
panelists: ACPA Pan African Network (PAN)

ACPA Strategic Plan Overview
presented 8 July 2020
panelist: Vernon A. Wall, ACPA President

Maintaining Connections & Community in the midst of COVID-19
presented 20 May 2020
panelist: Vernon A. Wall, ACPA President

Implementing ACPA's Strategic Imperative for Racial Justice and Decolonization
presented 17 May 2019
Panelists: Dr. Craig Elliott, Danielle Sims Brooks, Dr. Brian Bourke

ACPA's Strategic Imperative for Racial Justice and Decolonization: Centering Love
presented 19 July 2019
Panelists: Dr. Craig Elliott, Dr. Tanya O. Williams

ACPA's Strategic Imperative for Racial Justice and Decolonization: Framework for International Education
presented 20 September 2019
Panelists: Craig Elliott, Gudrun Nyunt, Darbi Roberts 

ACPA's Strategic Imperative for Racial Justice and Decolonization: Social Class
presented 1 November 2019