ACPA's Graduate Students and New Professionals Community of Practice (GSNPCOP) is holding a virtual mentorship program this year in conjunction with our annual Conventions Colleagues program. This is an excellent opportunity for new ACPA members and attendees to connect and network with seasoned ACPA attendees to discuss the ins and outs of ACPA, the annual convention, and functional areas of higher education/student affairs before, during, and after the Annual Convention.

If you are interested in participating, whether as a new ACPA member or attendee (MENTEE) OR as a seasoned ACPA member/attendee (MENTOR), please complete this form.

The timeline for the program will be as follows:

  • Friday, January 15, 2021 - Applications open
  • Friday, February 6, 2021 - Applications close: 
  • Tuesday, February 9, 2021 - GSNPCOP will review applications and make mentor/mentee groups (1 mentor with 3-4 mentees) by Tuesday, February 9. Groups will be notified via email of their mentor/mentee(s), along with contact information and further details for the program.
  • Wednesday, February 10 from 7-9 pm EST - Orientation for Mentor Facilitation will be held on Wednesday, February 10 from 7-9pm EST via Zoom (access details to be shared at a later date). If you're a mentor and unable to attend this meeting, we will schedule a one-on-one meeting with you to cover what you missed from the orientation. Please do your best to attend if you're able.
  •  February 11-28, 2021 - Meetings with mentor/mentee(s) groups: February 11-28, 2021. We invite you to meet with your mentor/mentee(s) group 1-2x during this time period.
  • TBD - Convention Colleagues: mentor and mentees will be requested to attend the annual Convention Colleagues program. Dates are tentative for March 3 and/or 4. More details will be shared at a later date.
  • March (during ACPA21) - Convention Meeting: during the ACPA convention/month of March, we request you meet with your mentor/mentee(s) group to check in on their ACPA convention experience.
  • April - Post ACPA Meeting: after the convention (April) we request all mentor/mentee(s) groups meet 1 final time to discuss the ACPA convention, takeaways, and wrap up any final questions and future connection opportunities.
  • April - Evaluation: we will have an evaluation form sent to all mentors and mentees to complete for feedback on the mentor program sent in early April.

If you have any questions about the mentor program, please contact Catherine Thompson at