Join our listserv and become a member!

  1. To officially join our commission, please go to the ACPA Website and click on Member Portal or go directly to this link:
  2. You will be asked to log in using your ACPA membership credentials. 
  3. On the top, you will see several menu options including My Profile, Community Groups (Chatter), Resources. Go to "Community Groups (Chatter)".
  4. In the menu on the left, go to "Groups." 
  5. In the search bar, enter "Grad Students & New Professionals". One of the groups from this search should be: Grad Students & New Professionals CoP
  6. In the membership column, you will see "Join" and a plus sign. Click on that sign.
  7. You are now subscribed to our Commission listserv. You will receive EBlasts periodically and can choose to receive "digests" from our Chatter postings.

We are always looking for new volunteers!

  • Our Awards Coordinator will be looking for people to judge awards applications. And you can nominate friends, mentors, coworkers, and classmates for our Awards program as well. Keep checking back!
  • E-mail our 8th Vector Coordinators if you'd like to write an article for our blog. Article ideas include (but are not limited to) conference recaps/suggestions, reflections on your graduate/professional experiences, and book reviews.
  • Are you a seasoned professional who can help mentor a graduate student or new professional attending ACPA for the first time? Our Convention Colleagues Coordinator would love to get in contact with you.
  • Our Scholarship Coordinator will be seeking volunteers to review applications for our annual scholarship to help graduate students seeking to attend their first Annual Convention.