ACPA Scholarly Journals & Publications
ACPA Books
Since the early 1960s, the Books and Media Board has nurtured the development and publication of original content by authors with broad appeal to an interdisciplinary audience of researchers, scholars, and practitioners in the field of student affairs as well as the broader context of higher education. Publication themes ranged from history and systems, to theory, to practice applications.
Today, we continue to support authors who wish to publish books in collaboration with ACPA. New authors/editors working with ACPA Books receive significant guidance and assistance in the publishing process that is not available when working directly with a publisher. For more experienced authors/editors, publishing with ACPA Books is a great way to “give back” to the organization. As such, royalties from all books published through ACPA Books are returned to the association. Authors benefit by having their works published, which may enhance their professional reputations and lead to greater professional opportunities for such activities as consulting, keynote speaking, and invited presentations.
We welcome submissions of book proposals on topics related to, but not limited to the following: student growth and development, diversity in higher education, student access, success, and retention, mental health among college students, campus safety, and equity in higher education. Review Frequently Asked Questions
The criteria used to evaluate your proposal will include:
- The topic’s contribution to the field
- The author’s ability to present new and significant information and observations about the topic
Please note:
- The contents must be derived from a solid knowledge base of theory, research, and/or practice
- The proposed work should address as many dimensions of equity and diversity as is appropriate to the subject matter in a manner that reflects the best theory, research, or practice available to the profession regarding cultural concerns
- Whether the focus is on current and emerging issues, or on historical perspectives, ACPA scholarly books must contribute to knowledge and action, and spell out the implications of findings or offer suggestions about what practitioners and faculty can do in relation to the topic.
Your proposal must include the following:
- Title of the manuscript
- Description, scope, content, and purpose of proposal
- Description of the target audience
- Discuss the need for your proposed book and how it meets the need of your intended audience. Moreover, this section should describe the contribution your book may make to research and practice
- List competing and related works
- Discuss qualifications of authors (and include resumes/CVs) as well as format and length of book
- Table of contents: Briefly describe each chapter and delineate its title
- Timetable: Give an estimate for completion of manuscript
- A writing sample (preferably a draft chapter or introduction)
For more information or to submit proposals, please download our Publishing with ACPA Books document
Please contact the co-editors, Mimi Benjamin (Mimi.Benjamin@iup.edu) and Jody Jessup-Anger (jody.jessup-anger@marquette.edu) with questions.
Ways to Order ACPA Books
Stylus is proud to be the official publisher of ACPA!

Giving Voice to Critical Campus Issues: Qualitative Research in Student Affairs
Edited by Kathleen Manning

Toward Acceptance: Sexual Orientation Issues on Campus
Edited by Vernon A. Wall and Nancy J. Evans

Student Affairs: A Profession's Heritage Second Edition
Edited by Audrey Rentz

Making Good on the Promise
Edited by Jeanne L. Higbee and Alice A. Mitchell

Maybe I Should... Case Studies on Ethics for Student Affairs Professionals
Edited by Florence A. Hamrick and Mimi Benjamin