The ACPA Governing Board began the strategic planning process in Spring 2011. At this time, it was clear that the membership of ACPA expected a renewed focus on our "place" in higher education and our "niche" in student affairs for the future.
The initial strategic process began in Spring 2011 and continued throughout the summer leadership meetings, assembly meetings/town hall meetings, retreats of the Governing Board, Convention 2012 discussions, and refinement opportunities. The final review and approval occurred in Fall 2012.
All levels of members were involved either through the annual Assembly meetings (Town Hall), the virtual Meetups in locations around the United States and outside the USA. The information gathered formed the foundation on which the Governing Board used to ultimately reduce the many suggested priorities for the future, down to the most important eight at this time.
Career Development - ACPA will enhance opportunities for its members to make intentional and informed career transitions and advancements to best lead their constituents and the profession.
- Professional Development - Offer exemplary, innovative, comprehensive professional development, based on the professional competencies as well as emerging issues and trends in higher education will provide enhanced student service and foster student learning and development.
- Equity and Inclusion - ACPA will lead in advancing social justice, equity, and inclusion across higher education worldwide.
- Leadership in Higher Education - ACPA will lead discourse and action in higher education related tot he learning and development of college students, our members, and their institutions.
- Research and Scholarship - ACPA will lead the student affairs profession in the generation and timely provision of cutting edge research and practice-related professional development resources.
- Association Performance and Excellence - ACPA will invest in the Association's resources, business processes, and workforce to ensure growth and performance improvement.
- Membership Recruitment and Retention - Current members will be actively supported in their engagement with the Association. New members will be identified and recruited.
- Globalization - Globalization is not internationalization, nor can it resemble colonization. It is the context in which we will continue to live.