Items written by Cindi.

Happy Valentine's Day ACPA!

Over the last several months, I have been speaking on campuses and conferences about creating cultures of advocacy in which delineated rights are not abstractions, but realities. 

This is a deep challenge for our member institutions and it is no less so for our Association.  I have become convicted that our failure to defeat white supremacy and racism within the Academy is at the root of many of our current challenges. 

Update on Houston Advocacy Efforts

Last month, Deputy Director Tricia Fechter Gates and I met with key officials in Houston regarding the repeal of HERO and our concerns about welcome and safety for all of our members in Houston.

All of the individuals and organizations with whom we met were opposed to the repeal and expressed disappointment and frustration that a small group of voters were able to achieve reversal of the human rights ordinance.

If not Us, then Who? : ACPA, Democracy and Our Students

10 January 2016

Today, as I am reading the Washington Post, an article by Jonathan Capehart, entitled "An LGBT Rights Fight on the Horizon" has reminded me of our obligation as public colleges and universities universities charged to uphold a democratic mission.

I think it is important for ACPA members to hear what he is suggesting and think about potential impact on students we support, the campus climates we endeavor to create, and the challenges to be who and what we are mandated to do and be.

Dancing Through Each Other as Doorways

We seek not rest but transformation. We are dancing through each other as doorways. ~ Marge Piercy

Over the last several months, I’ve heard people contemplating the question, “Is ACPA a student affairs association using a social justice lens for its work or is ACPA a social justice organization?”  Some members have suggested that social justice education is sufficient and that we must not drift into advocacy and activism.  Others, not so much.