By Kristen McKinney, PhD
Chair, Commission for Assessment and Evaluation

Assessment Institute

Each year the ACPA Assessment Institute planning team works to develop a curriculum that is responsive to the assessment needs driving practitioners in student affairs today.  The Institute experience provides a comprehensive roadmap for those looking to begin or expand their adventures in the wide world of Student Affairs assessment.  Overall, there are two main tracks to choose between for the Institute:

  • the division track, designed for practitioners who manage assessment across multiple major units, and
  • the department track, designed for practitioners who manage assessment for individual programs or services within a single functional area.

Participants maximize the value of their Institute experience by journeying on a particular track throughout the Institute and promoting cohesion and community among the track cohort.  The Institute also offers several opportunities “choose your own adventure.”  These sessions are side trips from which participants can choose based on their interests, strengths, and campus needs.  There are a total of four opportunities to “choose your own adventure,” during the Institute and tailor the experience in a way that optimizes learning for the assessment work you do or plan to do. 

When embarking on a scholarly adventure it is always helpful to have an informed mentor or guide.  Each year a distinguished set of faculty guides are assembled to deliver a quality Institute experience to participants.  These faculty participate throughout the Institute experience—leading sessions, engaging in discussion, dining and sharing with the attendees.  No journey is complete without a great group of travel companions.  The Institute also provides opportunities to learn from colleagues and make those important connections to be called upon in the future.  In all, “travelers” will find the Institute to be an educational, intensive, and fun, professional development journey.

Kristen McKinney, PhD
Chair, Commission for Assessment and Evaluation