Commissions represent the job/functional areas or professional specializations in which ACPA members are employed or have an interest. Most commissions offer electronic updates and newsletters, provide opportunities for educational programs and networking at the Annual Convention, and offer programs and services to members. Members can volunteer for activities, including leadership positions within the Commissions. Individuals can indicate which commissions they would like to join when becoming an ACPA member or renewing their membership, or by updating their memberships on the "Committees" page. There is no additional cost for Commission memberships.
Active Commissions
Get Involved
Join a Commission by logging in to the system using either the member login button near the top right hand side of the screen or clicking here. After logging in, scroll to committees section near the bottom left hand quarter and follow the instructions.
View a complete listing of the Commission Chairs.
Coordinator of Commissions (2019-2022)
Brian Arao