Building Each Other Up

Coalition for Women's Identities
Building each other up I sit and wonder why women have gotten the bad rap of being overly critical of each other. However, if you turn on most reality TV shows for more than a few minutes, the answer is staring right back at you. I can’t turn on the television without seeing show after show of women tearing each other down and treating each other in ways that are disrespectful, rude, and...

In the Dark: Women and Undiagnosed AD/HD

Coalition for Women's Identities
In the Dark: Women and Undiagnosed AD/HD Michelle Rodems Why couldn't I remember the conversations? The details? Why was I the only one who had trouble with this? My questions first began as a result of an incident in the residential area I managed. I had been asked to recall the context and conversations around the situation. But I couldn't - at least not well. I was embarrassed and ashamed. I...

The Second Search

Coalition for Women's Identities
The Second Search When I first decided it was time to start job searching, I was in my third year as a Residence Director. The timing seemed perfect – at this point I had chaired several committees, was advising a group of students who would all graduate in May, and felt I had accomplished a large part of what I was charged to do when I entered the position, namely strengthen and improve the...

A Feminist and Student-Affairs Imperative: Educating Responsible Online Citizens

Coalition for Women's Identities
A Feminist and Student-Affairs Imperative: Educating Responsible Online Citizens Trigger Warning: The following post examines online harassment of women and includes graphic language. I want to revisit the early October blog from the Standing Committee for Women and Heather Whedbee on Engaging Students in Feminist Dialogue Through Social Medi a . I appreciate Heather’s call to encourage student...

A Reflection on Class and Gender

Coalition for Women's Identities
A Reflection on Class and Gender Recently I was getting my daughter ready for school. I teach a section of first year seminar on Friday mornings and could not chance being late. As I was reminding her that she needed to stay focused on getting ready, she asked “What are you going to teach today Mom? Is it long division?” Since I am responsible for our student conduct processes, my nine year old...