Critical Reflexivity for Leadership Educators

Commission for Student Involvement
Critical Reflexivity for Leadership Educators Lauren Irwin, University of Southern California, , @Lauren_Irwin22 Nicholas Tapia-Fuselier, University of North Texas, Leader and leadership development are central to higher education’s commitment to student success, career readiness, and citizenship (Dugan & Komives, 2007). However, many...

To Hell with Good Intentions: A Reflection on International Service

Commission for Student Involvement
Community Service & Service-Learning Blog Post To Hell with Good Intentions: A Reflection on International Service By: Elizabeth Coder In 1968, Monsignor Ivan Illich, an Austrian philosopher and Catholic priest, gave an address to the Conference on InterAmerican Student Projects (CIASP) to American volunteers serving in villages in rural Mexico. The speech, titled To Hell With Good Intentions...

Learning Partnership Model

Commission for Student Involvement
Learning Partnership Model A new year is starting and with that, new and returning graduate assistants, student-workers, staff members, and a new chance to change up your supervisory style! For those that we supervise, part of our goal is to prepare them for their next step, yet so many times we confine our team members to their job descriptions. If we truly want to prepare those we supervise for...

Achieving Your Dream: Mapping the Journey to Success

Commission for Student Involvement
Achieving Your Dream: Mapping the Journey to Success Gavin Henning, Ph.D. I always enjoy the start of a new academic year. While I mourn the end of summer, I look forward to a new year ahead. Students are back on campus and there is a buzz of rejuvenation and the promise of what can be. The beginning of a new academic year is a time for a fresh start. It could be a fresh start for a new program...

Welcome to the Interchange!

Commission for Student Involvement
Welcome to the Interchange! Welcome to the Interchange ! The Interchange is the publication for ACPA’s Commission for Student Involvement (CSI). Within ACPA, the Commission for Student Involvement is committed to creating a community for Student Affairs professionals who work in or are interested in the functional areas of Leadership Education, Fraternity & Sorority Life, Service-Learning and...