Exploring College Men’s Relationship (or lack thereof) with Diversity Experiences

Coalition on Men and Masculinities
I have always been astounded by the impact diversity may have on students as they encounter these new and profound experiences, perspectives, and ideas. I know my personal experience as a college student was forever shaped by these opportunities college environments provide students. At the same time, the important learning and development opportunities diversity provides for college students is...

A 2014 Challenge to Men Everywhere

Coalition on Men and Masculinities
What better space to talk about masculinity and men than the college fraternity? Tonight, I had the opportunity to sit in a room where many of my colleagues answered the question, “Where do you think the fraternal movement is headed in ten years?” Many answers throughout the room ranged from expansion policies to questioning the social Greek-Lettered organization single-sex status. What was not...

Recruiting Males to Higher Education Through A Strength Based-Positive Masculinity Perspective Part I

Coalition on Men and Masculinities
The late Mr. Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” What a powerful deposition? Being a higher education professional myself, I am biased towards such a statement. I do agree with Mr. Mandela on the power and importance of education. Therefore, continuing education through higher education is important for citizens of the United...

Education of Masculinities Through Video Games

Coalition on Men and Masculinities
“BOOM, headshot!” can be heard echoing down the hallways of many homes, residential halls, and apartments complexes as adolescents and emerging adults go on a virtual shooting rampage with their friends in the latest video game to be released. While this may sounds terrifying to some, the reality is, it is happening. It’s no secret that that these games are now a common everyday activity that...

Masculinity’s Impact on Fraternity Brotherhood

Coalition on Men and Masculinities
“I believe in Theta Chi, its traditions and its ideals. Born of sturdy manhood, nurtured by resolute men... It inspires true friendship…” – Excerpt from the creed of Theta Chi Fraternity. When most people hear the above quote, they might let their minds wander to the place of “fratland,” where jocks thrive, shirts never possess sleeves, and men do nothing but chug beer and berate women. Let’s...