Building Community Through Programming

Coalition on Men and Masculinities
It was approximately 7:45 p.m. when my supervisor stepped into the busy lounge. It was my first program as a Resident Assistant at the University of Maine, and I was worried that there weren’t enough people in attendance. She asked how many residents had attended the program, and I replied, “Somewhere been 45 and 50.” She looked surprised and said, “This many guys have been here the whole time?”...

Men’s Fear of Femininity: Discussing the Media’s Perceptions of Masculinity with College Men

Coalition on Men and Masculinities
From early childhood into adulthood, young people are constantly bombarded with media advertisements showing them what behaviors are and are not socially acceptable. Advertisers push negative gender norms into the homes, residence halls, bars, and fraternity houses of our college men. Take into consideration the highly controversial Dr. Pepper 10 commercial, which presents its product in a hyper-...

Role Modeling In College Males

Coalition on Men and Masculinities
Lebron James, Drew Brees, and Sidney Crosby; what do these males have in common? We could answer this with the simple statement that they are all incredible athletes; but are they more than superstars? What if Batman and Superman were added to this question? Athletes are becoming modern-day superheroes. They redefine impossible with blazing speed and incredible strength. These professionals link...

Small Town Choices: How Do We Convince Students that have the Academic Potential to Pursue a College Degree?

Coalition on Men and Masculinities
“What is the value of going to college?” “Is another four years of school really worth the time and money?” “Why don’t I just get a job after high school and start living my life?” “But all my friends and family are here.” “Some of my friends think it is not masculine to go to college.” These are all thoughts and questions that went through my and my friends’ minds during our senior year in high...

College Men, Masculinities and Student Government

Coalition on Men and Masculinities
When you hear the saying, “just do it,” what comes to your mind? Is it a Nike commercial? A friend telling you to do something you are afraid to do? What about a slogan for an election campaign? What message do we see in the three simple words, just do it. It is commanding, authoritative and pressuring. A pressure to take charge and be the best. Our families have a lot to do with the values,...