A Different Kind of Superhero

Coalition on Men and Masculinities
What types of roles do men feel that they must take in our society today? If they are anything like what society expects a “normal” man to be, men will try to strive for being a “superhero” type figure, a Marvel character sketched into a 20-page comic book. Take a look at the strips above and take a moment to think of what this representation may indicate for men. The way in which you may view...

Engaging College Men in Difficult Dialogues Is as Easy as PIE?

Coalition on Men and Masculinities
Okay, so the title of this post is a bit misleading. Of course, engaging college men in difficult dialogues is not, as the saying goes, “easy as pie.” No, most dialogues that higher education professionals should be having with college men are a bit uncomfortable. For example, discussing issues of male power and privilege such as rape and sexual assault is uncomfortable. Clearly, such discussions...

The Box

Coalition on Men and Masculinities
Ahmed Naguib is a Conduct Coordinator at UC Davis & is the author of this blog entry. You can engage Ahmed on Twitter @ahmedanaguib. This blog post aims to unpack the understanding of manhood and masculinity that exists within the binary. The reason I am unpacking this is that I believe that we cannot create a space in which all individuals are respected and safe without understanding the...

Silence: The Enemy of Progress

Coalition on Men and Masculinities
I was part of a recent discussion regarding sexual assaults that have occurred on my campus. When I hear and see these issues that keep happening in communities and college campuses, my heart hurts and I am frustrated. Frustrated because these issues keep happening, and I have to wonder, where are the men, en masse, in these discussions? Where is my place in these discussions on how to dismantle...

Building Community Amongst Men: A New Conversation

Coalition on Men and Masculinities
The need for men, those in college specifically, to better understand who they are - is driving this significant wave of masculinity research and dialogue. As we continue to read, write, research, and teach, we should pay close attention to the opportunities inherent in bringing together members of a community to transform their culture. My individual conversations with college men reflect a...