Does Masculinity Undermine Fraternity?

Coalition on Men and Masculinities
If you ask me, I have the most fascinating job that there is. Now, that might seem like a cliché, but it is truly how I feel about the work that I am able to do everyday. Let me explain a bit about my good fortune. As a Fraternity and Sorority Life advisor, I spend a large majority of my days engaging with fraternity men and learning from their experiences. I have the ability to provide a space...

Power! Money! Women!

Coalition on Men and Masculinities
Attention grabbing? Yes. The best way to attract students to join a university club? Probably not. I cannot take credit for that little gem of a headline; however it was generated from a student I advise in relation to promoting a residence hall club. I distinctly remember opening the email containing the headline while in my office with a colleague. We were in the middle of a conversation when I...

When The Game Ends; Engaging Male Student Athletes

Coalition on Men and Masculinities
“So the time you started smoking pot seems to be around the same time you told me you left the soccer team. Do you think there’s a connection there?” The look on Mark’s face was one I knew. I had hit a bit too close to home with my questions. The young man in front of me was being forced, likely for the first time in his life, to realize that his decision making in life was not as arbitrary as he...

Masculinity, Media, & How We as Educators Can Use it to Challenge Men

Coalition on Men and Masculinities
Many colleges and universities across the United States are being challenged by men on their campuses as they are having a hard time being engaged, retained, or graduating. While institutions scramble to assist these students in their education and development, I challenge educators to consider the root cause of how society has determined how men should behave. Masculinity and the expectations of...

Mentoring College Men to Close the Gender Gap: An Interdepartmental Approach for A Small Regional Campus

Coalition on Men and Masculinities
There is no hiding the fact that college men can be considered a minority. This is not in regard to minorities in the sense of ethnicity, religion, physical disability, sexual preference, or gender identity. Male students, male faculty, male staff, and male administrators are, in terms of higher education, in a woman’s world. I work at a unique institution of higher education, WKU-Glasgow. WKU-...