Senior-Level Community of Practice
Monday, 23 October 2017 - 9:52am
First, a bit about myself, I identify as a white cis-gendered male. I’ve been an educator since 2001, specifically I’ve been working in Higher Ed since 2009. I have lived and worked both in the US and out of the country. I have worked at smaller institutions and larger institutions in both rural environments and urban environments.
For much of my career/life, whenever I’d be involved with a diversity or social justice training or activity, I’ve actively participated. I take the time to listen and respect to those around me. I am aware that I come from a place of privilege. I’ve gone though the phase where I said/thought “oh, but I have x marginalized identity too, so I struggle in xyz…”. I’ve deflected. I’ve helped others deflect…. The list goes on.
More recently, during the ‘Black Out’ on the Facebook group ‘Student Affairs Professionals,’ I asked myself “what am I missing?” During that event, I read, I watched videos, I talked with co-workers, I reached out to strangers… and I still felt like I don’t really understand what is happening. What exactly is it when people say “institutionalized racism.” What does that really mean?
Fast-forward some more. Embarrassingly more. Earlier this academic year I watched the documentary ’13th,’ perhaps you have seen it. During that documentary, the light bulb went off in my head. Ok, let’s be frank, Ava DuVernay, the director of the film, very directly sent a message that finally registered in my head. Yes, there is systemic and/or institutionalized racism (not that I doubted it, I just struggle/d to see it). Yes (and or No), I may (or may not) have been an individual who has done (or not done) something specific to perpetuate this racism.
Re-focus to the Strategic Imperative. I appreciate that there is a start to this process and I’m interested to learn what is next. I’ve read over the comments collected during the Collective Imaging Sessions during the 2017 Convention. I understand many of the items on the page, but not all. By understand I simply mean that I understand what the word is/means. I may not have any understanding of what it means in this context.
What now? This is not where I make some bold pledge for action or to change the world. This is where I say; I’m ready to take the next step. I’m interested in being part of the dialogue (and hopefully part of the change) as we move forward. In other words, ‘sign me up.’