Update on Houston Advocacy Efforts

Last month, Deputy Director Tricia Fechter Gates and I met with key officials in Houston regarding the repeal of HERO and our concerns about welcome and safety for all of our members in Houston.

All of the individuals and organizations with whom we met were opposed to the repeal and expressed disappointment and frustration that a small group of voters were able to achieve reversal of the human rights ordinance.

It's Time to Choose: Martin Luther King, Jr Commemoration 2016

The Opportunity is Freedom
--Seth Godin

It is hard to think of the "right words" to say on this day of celebration and commemoration of the life and contributions of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr..

Without him, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 would still be a dream. Segregated schools, hospitals and diner counters would still be harsh lines of demarcation and hate in our communities. Dr. King exposed the underbelly of our nation's deepest failure and dramatically reduced the egregious impact of racism in public spaces.

College Student Educators as Scholars Part II

From the President's Desk

In my December post, I argued that college student educators are scholars if we use Boyer’s (1990) definition of scholarship. Boyer articulated four different types of scholarship: discovery, integration, application, and teaching and learning. The scholarship of discovery is what many of us typically envision when we think about research – gathering data that leads to new knowledge. Scholarship...