The Oar

ACPA Senior Scholars Blog

If you put your soul against this oar with me, the power that made the universe will enter your sinew from a source not outside your limbs, but from a holy realm that lives in us. Excerpt from That Lives In Us by ~Rumi The Oar As this academic year dies, there is life emerging from the ground and the trees. It is springtime. It always feels like something is dying to me as an academic year comes...

COVID-19 Response & Information

We know that the recent COVID-19 pandemic is making this time of year even more difficult and stressful for students, staff, faculty, and yourselves. What our world is dealing with right now is hard, and the implications on higher education institutions is unprecedented. Many of you are being relied upon in new ways to help your colleges and universities design inclusive and flexible responses, while also continuing to care for your students. We appreciate you and sincerely applaud your efforts during this challenging time.

Help Us Plan the Long Beach Experience!

Join a new team of leaders ready to create, inspire, and welcome attendees to Long Beach, California for a transformative Convention that builds upon our strong traditions in ACPA and the higher education and student affairs profession.

Apply for a Senior Scholars Grant!

ACPA and the Senior Scholars continue a research grant initiative to encourage practitioners and faculty to initiate original scholarship and research efforts designed to study critical issues impacting student affairs and/or higher education systems.