How has ACPA membership furthered your personal, career, or professional development?

Tell us your story for a chance to be featured as our member of the week!

Share Your Story

Jason Bertrand - Member of the Week

I have been involved with Wisconsin College Personnel Association (WCPA) since moving to Wisconsin from the South five years ago. ACPA and WCPA have given me the opportunity to not only learn from others through various presentations, journal articles, webinars, etc; but I get to share my knowledge by presenting each year at the annual conference and get involved with new technology, like hosting webinars. 

John Timmons - Member of the Week

I have been a member of ACPA for most years since 1983. Through professional opportunities within the Commission Directorate, I have a network of many other professionals, which has provided the foundation to develop innovative ideas and principles. The publications such as About Campus and Journal of College Student Development keep me informed of trends and concepts in our profession today. As a co-chair for our division-wide professional development program, ACPA is often a source and inspiration for the topics we bring to the Winthrop campus.

Jillian Baer - Member of the Week

In my second year of graduate school at The Ohio State University, I was selected to present at the Annual Convention in Las Vegas. It was a thrilling experience and helped give me confidence to move forward with my job hunt. Immediately after landing in Columbus, Ohio, from that trip, I ran to my final interview for my current job. I believe that my success and amazing experience at Convention (as a participant and presenter) helped me ace my interview!

Tierza Watts - Member of the Week

Over the last 25 years, I’ve had the pleasure of being inspired by exceptional Convention experiences and challenged by a variety of leadership opportunities. Involvement in ACPA has been easy from the beginning. I’ve served as a volunteer in Career Central, Convention program reviewer, and a commission member who has simply enjoyed the debate and resources offered through listservs. All you have to do is sign up or reply to an email… yes, it’s really that simple.

Darren Pierre - Member of the Week

Where do I begin? My involvement in ACPA has been pivotal in my understanding of student affairs as a vocation. As Chair of the Commission for Student Involvement, I was invited to see firsthand the incredible work being done by professionals across the globe. Beyond my campus, I saw the impact meaningful engagement experiences are having on the students we serve. Finally, ACPA has connected me with some of the most dynamic professionals I have ever encountered, many of which have transcended being colleagues to people I call dear friends.