Image of Cynthia Love

Dr. Cindi Love officially assumed the role of Executive Director of ACPA—College Student Educators International on July 1, 2014.

“The ACPA Governing Board has unanimously selected Dr. Cynthia Love to be our next Executive Director,” said Dr. Kathleen G. Kerr, 2013-2014 ACPA President.“In 2014, as ACPA celebrates its 90th year, we need a leader who has a vision for how ACPA will build upon and advance nine decades of leadership to higher and tertiary education and the student affairs field. Dr. Love has a commitment to ACPA’s core values and mission and a capacity to strategically guide the association forward. The Governing Board has great confidence Love will develop rich and meaningful relationships with ACPA members and our partners within the higher and tertiary education community worldwide.”

Dr. Love’s background uniquely positions her to assume this post. With significant experience in higher education, for-profit and non-profit management, and social justice work, Love will advance the Association’s current strategic plan and guide our future contributions to higher education and student services globally.

Download her Extended Bio  (PDF)

Download her Media Release Announcement (PDF)

Read her blog entries for The Huffington Post

President Obama Signs Executive Order on LGBT Workplace Equality

Dr. Cindi Love, Executive Director

I have exciting news about justice and equality for those in the United States workforce who identify as LGBT. On Monday, July 21, President Barack Obama signed an executive order banning discrimination in the workplace against employees who identify as LGBT and work in the federal government or as federal contractors. This action and spirit of this order is in line with our values , mission ,...

VA Gives Guidance for Same-Sex Marriage Benefits

Dr. Cindi Love, Executive Director

I have good news to report about LGBT identified veterans on our campuses. On June 20, 2014, the Veterans Affairs (VA) Administration published its first official guidance for same-sex married couples on the benefits and services to which they are entitled under current laws and regulations. Importantly, all offices within the VA will now aim to apply the same level of scrutiny to all Veterans'...

We Urge the UN's Human Rights Council to Act Now to End LGBTI Discrimination

Dr. Cindi Love, Executive Director

In 2010, I joined with colleagues from around the world at the United Nations to create a resolution about the decriminalization of LGBT lives. At that time, many policymakers had not yet adopted the statement or understanding that LGBT rights are human rights. It is good to see continued work by many international activists and advocacy groups to achieve our dream of equal rights for all human...

Student Affairs Professionals Today

Dr. Cindi Love, Executive Director

As higher education makes monumental shifts, the perception of student affairs professionals' roles has shifted as well. Hear Dr. Cindi Love's discussion with the University of District Columbia Public Broadcasting Station about our members' roles today, particularly with sexual violence in higher education. Please watch the full length video .

Dr. Cindi Love - The Strengths and Advancement of ACPA

Dr. Cindi Love, Executive Director

The Strengths of ACPA Truth is, we are living in the first time and with the first generation of college students who have ever been able to engage in mass collaboration. That one reality changes the way we are going to respond to one another as human beings around the planet from this point forward. I want to talk about the strengths of ACPA and what it means about connecting us all together in...