Image of Cynthia Love

Dr. Cindi Love officially assumed the role of Executive Director of ACPA—College Student Educators International on July 1, 2014.

“The ACPA Governing Board has unanimously selected Dr. Cynthia Love to be our next Executive Director,” said Dr. Kathleen G. Kerr, 2013-2014 ACPA President.“In 2014, as ACPA celebrates its 90th year, we need a leader who has a vision for how ACPA will build upon and advance nine decades of leadership to higher and tertiary education and the student affairs field. Dr. Love has a commitment to ACPA’s core values and mission and a capacity to strategically guide the association forward. The Governing Board has great confidence Love will develop rich and meaningful relationships with ACPA members and our partners within the higher and tertiary education community worldwide.”

Dr. Love’s background uniquely positions her to assume this post. With significant experience in higher education, for-profit and non-profit management, and social justice work, Love will advance the Association’s current strategic plan and guide our future contributions to higher education and student services globally.

Download her Extended Bio  (PDF)

Download her Media Release Announcement (PDF)

Read her blog entries for The Huffington Post

Careers in Student Affairs: Reflections from Cindi Love

Dr. Cindi Love, Executive Director

To wrap up our Careers in Student Affairs Month celebrations, we are happy to have ACPA Executive Director Cindi Love share a personal reflection on her experience in the field. Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. -Ralph Waldo Emerson I am an unlikely candidate for a job in student affairs so I feel very fortunate to "break into" the field in a...

The Department of Education Announces the Final Rules on Campus Sexual Assault

Dr. Cindi Love, Executive Director

On Monday, October 20, 2014 the Department of Education announced the final rules on the changes to the Clery Act by the VAWA Reauthorization Act of 2013 . These new rules are will take effect July 2015 and are similar to what the Department released in June. These rules are also inline with the mission of our Presidential Task Force on Sexual Violence in Higher Education and our resources . Here...

International Day of Non-Violence

Dr. Cindi Love, Executive Director

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None of Us Ever Stops Learning

Dr. Cindi Love, Executive Director

This is a great time to be at ACPA and on campuses throughout the world. The creative energy potential for change now and in the next generation is palpable and I am excited to be in this moment with all of you. I spent the last decade in roles that were more clearly defined as “executive & activist” than “executive & advocate” and my new role at ACPA is a great exercise for my head,...

My Beautiful 30-Day Journey

Dr. Cindi Love, Executive Director

Dear Members and Friends of ACPA—College Student Educators International: I just completed my first month of official duty as your Executive Director, participated in my first July Leadership Meeting in Tampa, and filed my first monthly report with the Governing Board. Like most of you, part of my work is "doing" and, fortunately, at ACPA, part of my work is "being"—thinking and feeling and...