MLCOP Mission 
ACPA’s Mid-Level Community of Practice (MLCOP) is to encourage, develop, and deliver programs and services focused on the needs of mid-level professionals in student affairs and higher education.
MLCOP Purpose
The purposes for MLCOP are:
- To provide programs and services for the unique needs of mid-level professionals.
- To foster a community of practice that will sustain and enrich mid-level professionals throughout the year.
- To provide ongoing professional development opportunities through convention programs, leadership opportunities within ACPA, webinars, publications, and other forms of programming throughout the year designed for mid-level professionals.
Definition of Mid-Level Professional
Recognizing that many definitions or conceptualizations exist, MLCOP defines mid-level professionals as those with more than five years of full-time experience in higher education who are not senior professionals. The mid-level is a broad categorization. Recognizing this breadth, within this mid-level it is possible that formal or informal subgroups might develop to represent those who are early, mid, or senior within the mid-level itself. If such subgroups develop better to focus on programs and services designed for mid-level professionals, we welcome and encourage the formation of such subgroups.
For some professionals, mid-level is a position at which they wish to remain for their professional careers. The reasons for doing so are as unique as the individuals themselves and which may encompass not only professional concerns but personal concerns as well. Likewise, some professionals see the mid-level as a stepping-stone to senior level opportunities. It is for this broad group of mid-level professionals that the MLCOP wishes to offer programs and services designed to enrich their professional practice.
MLCOP Directorate 
MLCOP is governed by a directorate consisting of about 12 mid-level practitioners. The term of office for the Directorate members is two consecutive years and a commitment of three consecutive ACPA Conventions, with the exception of the Chair who serves a three year term (Chair-elect, Chair, Past Chair).
Requirements to serve on the MLCOP Directorate
To be eligible to be a part of the MLCOP Directorate, each nominee must meet these five minimum qualifications:
- Be a mid-level professional;
- Current member of ACPA and for the full period of your term of office;
- Able to attend ACPA conventions during your term;
- Commit to working with others to design and implement programs and services of interest to mid-level professionals; and
- Have strong consistent skills in organization, management of details, follow up skills, and commitment to meeting deadlines.
Nominations to serve on the MLCOP Directorate
You can self-nominate or be nominated by others. If you are interested in serving on the MLCOP Directorate, please email