From the President's Desk

In my previous blog post, "Reflections on Intent and Impact," I wrote that ACPA must take some concrete steps to affect change in the Association. Among the ideas for change that I shared in my post was our intent to launch a community dialogue forum in a visible place on the ACPA website.  

At this time, I am excited to tell you that the community forum on ACPA's website has gone live! Thank you to the ACPA IO staff for making this happen! The forum is easily accessible on the front page of the website by clicking "TELL US." Executive Director Cindi Love has posted an introductory statement and made the first contribution to the forum. I hope ACPA members will see this as one positive step forward and a demonstration of our commitment as ACPA leaders to an ongoing and sustainable dialogue and interaction with Association members. Together, I believe we can move ACPA forward in ways that will change us for the better. Please use this forum to share your ideas, concerns, advice, and recommendations. 

I also want to take this opportunity to tell you that four face-to-face community gatherings (listening posts) around the United States are being planned between December 1 and the 2015 Convention. A fifth session will be integrated into the Town Hall meeting that will be held in Tampa at #ACPA15. I can also assure you that progress is being made on the other ideas I shared in my last blog post. I will share more in future communications.  

Thanks to all of our members who have been in communication with IO staff and leaders since the July Leadership Meeting. You have offered great ideas, feedback, and wisdom. Every member has an important contribution to make. Together, we are strong. We are ACPA.