Mid-Level Community of Practice

Webinar title: ACPA publishing options for mid-level professionals


Webinar abstract: You have successfully navigated your years as an entry-level professional; what’s the next professional challenge or milestone? As a mid-level professional, you may be curious about whether professional writing might be right for you. This webinar will provide information on the range of ACPA publication opportunities for first-time writers to more experienced writers. Come with publication ideas or just plain mid-level curiosity about that next step!


Webinar description: Writing for publication can offer the type of greater challenge that a mid-level professional may be seeking. This webinar will describe ACPA publication opportunities, what each publication is seeking in its submissions, how to submit, and address questions raised by participants.

The webinar will debunk some myths that may present challenges to would-be-writers, such as “I don’t have anything worth writing about.” At the conclusion of the webinar, participants will be encouraged to articulate and share their next step in possibly developing a publication.


Learning objectives: At the conclusion of the webinar, participants will be able to

(1)Name at least three publication opportunities within ACPA;

(2)Describe how to locate the “information for authors” page or similar content for each of the three publication opportunities;

(3)Articulate their next step in possibly writing for publication.

Outline of webinar content:


I.Why publish as a mid-level professional?

II.Myths that may haunt writers

III.How does a publication idea develop and progress?

IV.ACPA publications:

A.What are they?

B.What type of submission is each publication seeking?

C.How to submit?

V.Writing for research journals

VI.Issues to consider

VII.Parts of a research manuscript

VIII.Finding a research topic

IX.Writing style tips

X.What is a “refereed journal”?

XI.Mechanics of the submission process


Contact information for presenters:

Alice A. Mitchell, Ph.D.

Manager, Testing Office

2112 Shoemaker Building

University of Maryland

College Park, MD 20742

Phone: 301 314-7689

Fax: 301 314-8408



Tony W. Cawthon, Ph.D.

Professor; Leadership, Counselor Education, Human and Organizational Development

211B Tillman Hall  

Clemson University 

Clemson, SC 29634-0707  

Phone: (864) 656-5100 

Fax: (864) 656-1322



Short bio for presenters:


Alice Mitchell has held several elected and appointed leadership roles in ACPA. Those roles include Evaluation Co-Chair  1997 ACPA Convention; Graduate Student Member-at-Large, ACPA Executive Council; Chair, Commission for Assessment and Evaluation; Coordinator for Commissions; Co-President, Arizona College Student Personnel Association; Founding Chair, Standing Committee for Disability; and Chair, Standing Committee for Graduate Students and New Professionals. Several of her past roles have provided experience with mid-level professional issues related to publication: Associate Editor for Internal Publications – ACPA Books and Media Board; Editorial Board Journal of College Student Development; and Mid-Level Member at Large, ACPA Governing Board. She is excited to work with mid-level members on their publication ideas. Currently, Alice directs the Testing Office and is an affiliate faculty member at the University of Maryland College Park.


Tony Cawthon currently serves as an Alumni Distinguished Professor of Student Affairs and Higher Education at Clemson University. He has extensive involvement in ACPA, ACUHO-I and SACSA. Within ACPA, he currently serves on the Governing  Board as the Direcgor of Research and Scholarship, and has served as a Senior Scholar, on the editorial board as a reviewer of The Journal of College Student Development, on the Books and Media Board, and as a member of the Professional Preparation commission. Within ACUHO-I, he currently coordinates the Rolf Vissar South Africa Housing Training Institute, and has served a past editor of the Journal of College and University Student Housing, Annual Conference Program Chair and Nominations Committee. Currently, he is President-Elect for the Southern Association for College Student Affairs, having also served that organization as editor of The College Student Affairs Journal.


Specific entity groups for whom this webinar may be appropriate:


Mid-Level Community of Practice, as well as any ACPA member who identifies as a mid-level professional