Commission for Assessment and Evaluation

2016 Student Affairs Assessment Institute Announcement

The Commission for Assessment and Evaluation is excited to announce Charlotte, NC as the location of the 2016 Student Affairs Assessment Institute! We are also excited to announce that we have partnered with the National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition (NRC) to provide a targeted experience for professionals interested in diving-deep into assessment on the first-year experience. Dr. Jennifer Keup and Dr. Dallin George Young from the National Resource Center will be joining the faculty for this year’s Institute.  

Is the Student Affairs Assessment Institute right for you? Regardless of the capacity in which we serve students, all of us are educators as we help create the learning environment of our institutions. The Student Affairs Assessment Institute provides a targeted, curriculum-based experience that gives participants the knowledge and skills necessary to engage in evidence-based decision-making that is learner and student centered. We’ve already heard from two of our 2015 participants, Emily Feinstein and Megan Forecki, who both spoke to the Institute’s role in helping them better align their values and purpose with their assessment in order to ask better and more important questions.

As the chair of the 2016 Assessment Institute and a returning member of the Institute faculty and planning team, the Student Affairs Assessment Institute has continued to hold a special place in my involvement with ACPA. Every year the Institute is an opportunity for faculty and participants to take a timeout from the hectic schedules of our work lives to dive deep, learn more, and genuinely engage with a topic that continues to be critically important to our profession.  While I may spend most of my work days talking about assessment in my full-time job, there is nothing that I love more than this opportunity to come together with my colleagues from all over the country to share and continue to learn from one another.

Having now watched several years’ worth of participants go through the Institute, I know that it can have a powerful and empowering impact regardless of whether you are totally new to assessment or want to revisit/gain new ways of understanding familiar topics.

How is your assessment empowering your decision-making or informing the creation of your learning environment? As our keynote from last year Dr. Frank Shushock asked, are you measuring what you treasure? How can we help you be more confident as you lead and conduct assessment within your unit?

We hope to see you all in Charlotte!


Victoria Livingston, Chair

2016 Student Affairs Assessment Institute

The 2016 Student Affairs Assessment Institute will take place June 21 - 24, 2016 in Charlotte, NC.

Have questions? Email Victoria Livingston at