JLM Summary and Association Update

From the President's Desk

brightcove.createExperiences(); Each July all of the leaders from ACPA convene for a time of training, reflection, and planning. This year’s July Leadership Meeting took place July 6-9, in Montréal, Quebec, site of the 2016 ACPA Annual Convention . Meeting attendees included governing board members, coalition chairs, state and international division chairs, commission chairs, the community of...

Leadership Pathways Working Group Report

From the President's Desk

On behalf of the Leadership Pathways Working Group and the Governing Board, we are pleased to share the draft report of the Leadership Pathways Working Group. We invite all members of ACPA-College Student Educators International to read, reflect, and share thoughts on the report. The report will be open for public comment until Friday, 4 September, 2015. We look forward to your feedback! Gavin...

Two Sides to the Same Coin: Importance of Student Learning and Completion

From the President's Desk

Over the last two months, through ACPA Video On Demand and the ACPA President’s Blog , I have been discussing the completion agenda and the role college student educators play in promoting retention and graduation. Most recently, I have discussed the importance of moving from serendipity to intentionality in student learning. These two issues – completion and student learning – must be integrated...

The Completion Agenda: Opportunities for College Student Educators

From the President's Desk

Regardless of the news source one turns to, the completion agenda is in the headlines of the higher education section. It’s also the hot topic on the radar screens of policymakers’ and college presidents. While many higher education officials are concerned with the impact this federal policy has on higher education at the national, state, and local level, we as college student educators can...

Public Statement: Indiana & the Religious Freedom Restoration Act

From the President's Desk

Dear Colleague: On 26 March 2015, the Governor of Indiana signed into law the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, one of several so-called religious liberty bills recently vetted by states. ACPA—College Student Educators International views these bills, in all of their forms, and in all of the states and countries that produce them, as overt acts of discrimination against LGBT people . We believe...