Statement on Events in Ferguson, Missouri

From the President's Desk

"This year we commemorate 50 years since the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and yet we are sadly reminded of the disparities and injustices that still permeate our society today. The recent events in Ferguson, Missouri are a testament to the fact that we clearly we have much important work left to do. As Student Affairs educators, it is incumbent upon us to persist in our efforts to...

Introducing the ACPA Tell Us Forum

From the President's Desk

In my previous blog post, "Reflections on Intent and Impact," I wrote that ACPA must take some concrete steps to affect change in the Association. Among the ideas for change that I shared in my post was our intent to launch a community dialogue forum in a visible place on the ACPA website. At this time, I am excited to tell you that the community forum on ACPA's website has gone live! Thank you...

Reflections on Intent and Impact

From the President's Desk

I have spent the last several days reflecting about ACPA. The July Leadership Meeting (JLM) was an amazing few days with ACPA leaders. We were energized, unified, and positive about our Association's vision. We focused on concepts of leading, amplifying, mobilizing, and partnering (LAMP), and I sensed a true excitement about our future. We also talked about the importance of our core values,...

Q&A Town Hall Series

From the President's Desk

During the 2014 Town Hall meeting in Indianapolis, Cindi Love and I said we would do our best to respond to the questions we did not get to during the session. In this post, we are addressing some of the general questions. In subsequent blog posts, we will be responding to questions about convention, "credentialing", and recruitment and retention. Question: How can we make ACPA more welcoming and...

Presidential Task Force on Digital Technology in Student Affairs: Task Force Charge

From the President's Desk

BACKGROUND: A Technology Advisory Committee and a Technology and Social Media Task Force 1 have previously considered multimedia and information technology applications in ACPA and made recommendations. The goals and recommendations of these two groups were in close alignment and synergistic. A brief summary of their goals and recommendations are provided in the next four paragraphs. The...