Awards Nominations
Each year the Coalition for Multicultural Affairs (CMA) presents awards to professionals that have demonstrated success in their area of expertise and whose work is in alignment with the core values of CMA.
At this time, we are seeking nominations for the 2016 Coalition for Multicultural Affairs Awards, to be presented at the 2016 ACPA Convention in Montreal.
Award requirements and award descriptions are available below. Please take the time to nominate a deserving member of our association!
Deadline: Wednesday, November 25, 2015 - 11:59pm CST.
Award Descriptions
This award recognizes an outstanding graduate student completing a degree in Student Affairs or a related field. Through commitment, innovation, and creativity, the recipient will have made a significant contribution to his/her graduate institution through works, related to increasing awareness and education around multiculturalism, more specifically, as it relates to people of color. Additionally, the recipient will have contributed to Student Affairs through research, professional organization involvement or professionals from backgrounds of color. Nominees must:  
  •  Be a Master’s or PhD student enrolled in an accredited graduate program in Student Affairs or related field;
  •  Be a member of ACPA;
  • Have a strong commitment to the enhancement of students and the Student Affairs profession;
  • Demonstrate a strong commitment to multiculturalism, specifically as it relates to people of color, through professional work, presentations, research, etc.
This award recognizes an outstanding new professional who has less than five years experience in the Student Affairs field.  The recipient must indicate significant promise for future leadership roles in the Student Affairs profession.  The recipient will have made a significant contribution to his/her institution through works related to increasing awareness and education around multiculturalism, more specifically, as it relates to people of color. Nominees must:
  • Be a member of ACPA;
  • Provide outstanding service to an institution of higher education;
  • Have developed innovative or creative efforts within Student Affairs
OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTION TO MULTICULTURAL AFFAIRSThis award recognizes a professional, who has made significant contribution to multicultural education, more specifically, as related to people of color. The recipient of this award will have demonstrated a strong commitment to fostering pluralistic and respectful learning environments through development of innovative methods or models in the field of multicultural education, and/or service to their respective campus and the general community.   Nominees must:
  • Be a member of ACPA;
  • Demonstrate a strong commitment to the enhancement of students, specifically students of color, and the student affairs profession;
  • Demonstrate exceptional commitment to multiculturalism, specially as it relates to people of color, through professional work, presentations, research, etc.
This award recognizes a professional who has significant contributions to the Coalition for Multicultural Affairs.  The recipient of this award has demonstrated the ability to educate Student Affairs professionals within ACPA about the issues and concerns of people of color in higher education, and has successfully contributed innovative approaches to support the evolving cultural dynamics within higher education. Nominees must:
  • Be a member of ACPA;
  • Demonstrate a strong commitment to the enhancement of students, as it relates to people of color, in ACPA and the general higher education community;
  • Demonstrate a strong commitment for advocacy of multicultural issues, as it relates to people of color;
  • Have successfully contributed innovate approaches to support the evolved cultural dynamics within higher education