CMA consists of four different networks. The Networks serve as liaisons to ACPA's leadership, and focus attention on issues and trends in education that affect racial and ethnic students and professionals in the field of college student personnel. Multicultural Networks include:

Asian Pacific American Network (APAN)

The Asian Pacific American Network (APAN) is dedicated to addressing the concerns and issues of the Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) faculty, staff, and students in higher education. Our purpose is to provide community, professional development, networking, and affirmation of identity for APIDA professionals. APAN represents APIDA issues and advocates for programs, services, research, and actions within the leadership of the Coalition for Multicultural Affairs and ACPA—College Student Educators International.

Visit APAN by clicking here.

Latin@/x Network (LN)

The Latin@/x Network (LN) plays host to ACPA’s Latino membership affectionately referred to as LNers. The LN provides a variety of professional development opportunities for its members by sponsoring Latino interest programs, network meetings, and the maintenance of a national listserv. Additionally, the LN acts as a social vehicle to promote networking opportunities and an informal social support network.

Visit LN by clicking here.

Multiracial Network (MRN)

The Multiracial Network (MRN) seeks to bring together faculty, staff, and students interested in the promotion and recognition of multiracial issues in higher education. The MRN seeks to be inclusive and welcomes everyone who is interested in advancing the Multiracial Network’s goals.

Visit MRN by clicking here.

Pan African Network (PAN)

The Pan African Network is committed to promoting the issues of all individuals of African heritage in higher education. PAN provides networking opportunities for all its members and seeks to create an environment of support and professional development. PAN seeks to be inclusive and welcomes everyone who is interested in advancing the PAN goals.

Visit PAN by clicking here.