2008 ACPA Convention

There were several CSJE meetings, programs, and events at the 2008 Convention in Atlanta. Thank you for joining us! Below is information about some of these events.


CSJE Directorate Body Business Meeting
Date: 3/30/08 
Start Time: 9:00 AM 
End Time: 5:00 PM 
Location: TBA
Information: This is a meeting of the Leadership of the Commission.

Social Justice Training Institute Alumni & Friends Reception
Date: 3/31/08
Start Time: 7:30 PM
End Time: 9:00 PM
Location: Hyatt Regency, Fairlie

CSJE General Business Meeting
Date: 4/1/08 
Start Time: 2:30 PM 
End Time: 4:00 PM 
Location: Marriott Marquis, Imperial Salon B
Information: This is an open meeting of Commission. It is a great time for prospective members to become more involved.

CSJE Social & Networking Reception
Date: 4/1/08 
Start Time: 7:30 PM 
End Time: 9:00 PM 
Location: Marriott Marquis, L403
Information: This event is open to all members and friends of the Commission. Whether you are involved in CSJE or want to learn more, or just want to meet some great people, come on by! In addition, the event will include the annual Commission awards ceremony. 

Constructing Identities at the Intersections: Implications for Student Affairs Practice

Monday, March 31, 2008; 4:15 - 5:30 PM 
Marriott Marquis, A703

Susan R Jones, University of Maryland-College Park 
Kristan M Cilente, University of Maryland-College Park 
Marybeth J Drechsler, University of Maryland-College Park 
Travis Greene, University of Maryland-College Park

A diverse group of graduate students and faculty at the University of Maryland recently used autoethnographic methodological approaches to explore identity construction and intersecting social identities. Presenters will share how their personal autoethnographic narratives, when connected to sociocultural contexts, offer new theorizing related to multiple and intersecting identities, as well as discuss implications for improved practice in understanding and with college students from dominant and underrepresented groups.

Common Threads: Starting a Multicultural Conversation with 1300 Colleagues

Wednesday, April 2, 2008; 8:00 - 9:15 AM 
Marriott Marquis, International 1

Johanna E Soet, University of Michigan 
Stacey M Pearson, University of Michigan 
Malinda Matney, University of Michigan 
Tom Lehker, University of Michigan 
Sharon Vaughters, University of Michigan

In 2005, the University of Michigan Division of Student Affairs provided multicultural workshops to all 1300 employees. The Diversity Goal Group's goals for this program were: 1) Helping staff understand issues surrounding diversity and feel more comfortable discussing their own experiences; 2) Helping staff recognize their own privilege, while making efforts to interrupt that privilege, 3) Creating an inclusive environment celebrating different social identities. This program describes phases of this multicultural program, including outcomes data, challenges and next steps.

Recognizing and Responding to Dynamics of Oppression: 
Creating Greater Inclusion

Tuesday, April 1, 2008; 1:15 - 2:30 PM 
Marriott Marquis, L405 & L406

Kathy Obear, The Social Justice Training Institute

Too often we don’t recognize the more subtle and covert forms of oppression and noninclusive behaviors that occur in many meetings, programs, and organizational practices. In this interactive session participants will identify many of the common, daily dynamics that undermine multiculturalism and explore strategies to respond and intervene effectively to create greater inclusion on campus.

It's Easy Being Greener

Monday, March 31, 2008; 11:45 - 1:00 PM 
Marriott Marquis, A703

Clive F Pursehouse, University of Washington

The environment was a moral issue before Al Gore told us that it was at the Orlando conference. As our profession and this association have finally begun to assume a role in the sustainability movement on college campuses, what are we as individual citizens and educators doing to advance that movement? This documentary captures one professional’s crusade to be a greener member of society and highlights one housing department’s efforts towards education and innovation and a greener college experience.

“In the Service of What?”: Students of Color in 

Monday, March 31, 2008; 8:45 - 10:00 AM 
Marriott Marquis, International 1

Jen Gilbride-Brown, Ohio Campus Compact 
John Kengla, Otterbein College

Very little is known about service-learning from the perspective of underrepresented students of color. The “students” in the research are predominantly white and middle class (e.g Butin, 2005; Eyler & Giles, 1999). Presenters will offer the results of a year-long study on how undergraduate students of color experienced service-learning and constructed conflicting discourses around service. Presenters will facilitate discussion about the ways in which these students' experiences both support and subvert the dominant understanding of service-learning in higher education.

Creating Ally Communities: Developmental Space for Advancing Social Justice

Monday, March 31, 2008; 10:15 - 11:30 AM 
Hyatt Regency, Hanover Hall A, B

Tracy L Davis, Western Illinois University 
Jennifer Shields, Western Illinois University
Danielle Nied, Colorado State University 
Katherine Lewis, Colorado State University

Professionals in student affairs have been actively engaged in developmental interventions aimed at promoting social justice. More recently, efforts addressing privilege and ally development have challenged the notion that targets of oppression are exclusively responsible for challenging racism, sexism and other forms of domination. One outcome of raising consciousness about privileged/advantaged identities is the necessity of creating developmental space for allies to be both challenged and supported. In this session, presenters will offer theory based strategies for creating ally communities.