The Surprises of Shifting from Practitioner to Professor

Coalition for Women's Identities
The Surprises of Shifting from Practitioner to Professor It is not unusual for student affairs practitioners to aspire to faculty roles. This was not my original intention when I began my doctoral work, but it quickly became evident that I had some talent for teaching and that I was invigorated by research. Although armed with information from a presentation on faculty-student affairs...

“Lean In,” But Not Too Far: A Reflection on Perceptions of “Competitive” Women

Coalition for Women's Identities
“Lean In,” But Not Too Far: A Reflection on Perceptions of “Competitive” Women If I had a dollar for every time someone said, “you’re really competitive,” Sallie Mae would be pleased to hear that my account balance has been paid in full. Over the last few months, I have heard an increased use of the term “competitive” to describe personal behaviors that might otherwise be labeled ambitious. Like...

Utopia Dreaming: Reflections on the 2015 Writing for Publication Workshop

Coalition for Women's Identities
Utopia Dreaming: Reflections on the 2015 Writing for Publication Workshop By Rosemary J. Perez & Dafina-Lazarus Stewart Rosie Perez and I, pursuant to our roles as the Emerging and Senior Scholars-in-Residence for the Standing Committee for Women (soon to be known as the Coalition for Women’s Identities), facilitated the Writing for Publication Workshop (WPW) on March 3, 2015 in a pre-...

Critical Reflections on the Rules of "Professionalism"

Coalition for Women's Identities
Critical Reflections on the Rules of “Professionalism” As an graduate student, the construct of “professionalism” is one that invades my everyday life—particularly as I navigate the job search process. From the way my resume looks, to the way I introduce myself when interacting with potential employers, everyone seems to have a specific bit of advice on how to present my best “professional self...

Reflections on Conformity and ACPA: Moving Beyond a Gender Binary

Coalition for Women's Identities
Reflections on Conformity and ACPA: Moving Beyond a Gender Binary Conformity. I have been reflecting quite a bit lately on this word. What it means to me and it’s implications for how I move through the world. Conformity exists within so many aspects of daily living. We all conform to certain aspects of life. The way students file into classrooms and sit in desks awaiting the instructor. The way...