ACPA 2019 Sponsored Programs

Coalition for (Dis)Ability
Congratulations to our Sponsored Programs at ACPA 2019 in Boston! We look forwarded to seeing you in Boston in just over a month from now! We are so excited about our the sessions we are sponsoring. Be sure to check out the following sessions: Hidden Inequiality: Financial Aid Information for Students with Disabilities (coordinating presenter: Emily Perlow) Students with Disabilities: Multiple...

Experiences with a Physical Disability

Coalition for (Dis)Ability
By: Sarah Schoper I have a visible physical disability called foot drop (or drop foot...not sure why they can’t keep the name consistent) that I gained after experiencing a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). I acquired this disability in January 2015, which means I will soon celebrate my four-year anniversary. I lived 37 years without a physical disability, and absolutely identified as one of “those”...

Queering Ability

Coalition for (Dis)Ability
Greetings Coalition members and general ACPA membership: I’m Spencer Scruggs and I currently serve as the Membership Engagement Coordinator for the Coalition for (Dis)Ability. I’ve happily served in the role for a year and a half and feel blessed to have worked with so many amazing scholars and professionals to bring you content related to disability and higher education. Over that time, telling...

Higher Ed Professionals with Mental Illness Need Support - Not Stigma

Coalition for (Dis)Ability
Higher Ed Professionals with Mental Illness Need Support - Not Stigma It was March 2015, and I was getting ready to step on a stage in front of 400 or so of my colleagues in higher education and tell them all that once upon a time, I had attempted suicide . It would be an understatement to say that my nerves were fraught, but I also knew that somewhere in that audience was at least one person...

Meet the Directorate!

Coalition for (Dis)Ability
We hope you've had a wonderful summer and are ready to jump into the Fall semester. In lieu of a newsletter, the Coalition for (Dis)Ability has decided to maintain a blog for updates, news, discussions, and information-sharing, and more. We hope this blog will serve as a resource to our members and allies. If you are interested in contributing to our blog or have an something you'd like to learn...