Commission for Academic Support in Higher Education

Name: Amanda Parkman

Position on Board: CASHE Blog Editor

Institutions & Job Title: University of Arizona, THINK TANK- Academic Skills Coordinator

How long on the Directorate? This is my first year.  Prior experience with ACPA has included involvement with the State Division- Arizona CPA. I’ve served as their Treasurer, President, and now Past President.

What have been some significant experiences about being engaged/involved in ACPA CASHE? Although I have only been part of ACPA CASHE for a few months, I have already appreciated my time with the Commission. It’s a valuable experience to be able to connect to other Student Affair professionals in the field of academic support. It allows me to continue learning and growing as a professional. I’ve also been managing the blog for the last few months. This is has allowed me to utilize skills I currently possess while also exploring news skills that I don’t regularly utilize.

What is your vision for the Directorate and ACPA at large? Continuing on the theme of growth and development, my vision for the Directorate is to continue growing and learning. To continue finding ways to provide resources and professional development to other Student Affairs professionals working in the functional area of academic support.

What are your topical areas of interest (within and outside of ACPA CASHE)? Areas of interest I have within and outside of ACPA CASHE is student development, student learning, and academic support.


What do you do in your free time/ outside of work? I love to travel! I was bitten with the travel bug when I studied about in Australia during my junior year of college.  Most of my travels since have been within the United States but on the top of my bucket list, once I finish my Master’s degree, is to go to London and Paris. I enjoy reading (anything from autobiographies, young adult fiction, to fantasy like Game of Thrones).  I also watch a lot of TV and just like my range in readings varies so does my TV taste. Current favorite TV shows include: Veep, Sherlock, and Master of None.

Tell us one thing no one in ACPA knows about you? I was adopted from South Korea when I was one years old.

What is your favorite quote and why?

 I love quotes! Picking just one is a bit challenging but I share my life motto:

 “Where is there is a will there is a way”

I remember as a young girl my mom saying this to me- and it stuck. It is what guides and pushes me. If I really want something, it reminds me, that I can make it happen. There may be challenges along the way, but I can find a way to make it happen.


Is there anything else you want to share in your highlight? Calls for blog entries as part of the Fall Blog series will be going out soon! I hope you consider sharing your knowledge and experience with others!