Commission for Academic Support in Higher Education

Name:  Sara Ackerson

Position on Board: Social Media Coordinator

Institutions & Job Title: Washington State University, Academic and Student Success Advisor, Carson College of Business


How long on the Directorate? This is my first year.

What have been some significant experiences about being engaged/involved in ACPA CASHE? Being involved with the Directorate has given me opportunities to connect and engage with colleagues across the country and to help educate the higher education community about the work of academic support departments (like advising!).

What is your vision for the directorate and ACPA at large? To broaden our engagement level and connect with other Directorates to help move our missions forward.  

What are your topical areas of interest (within and outside of ACPA CASHE)? Within CASHE, I am working on social media engagement. Broadly, I am also very involved with NACADA (both national and regional).  My areas of interest include continuing professional development for advisors, encouraging research and a validation of our work and profession.


What do you do in your free time/ outside of work? In my free time, I spend lots of time with my dogs and partner exploring our new town and Eastern Washington. I am a photographer, sometimes blogger, and hockey watcher. (Go Bruins!)

Tell us one thing no one in ACPA knows about you? Hmm, I'm a pretty open book, but many people don't know about my obsession with Bruce Springsteen. Or maybe they do!  

What is your favorite quote and why? I have a lot of them, but one that has guided me through hard time is by Anais Nin: And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. 

Is there anything else you want to share in your highlight? I'm always happy to connect -- feel free to reach out on Twitter @sara_ackerson, or elsewhere!