Notification: Proposed Bylaws Changes

The ACPA Bylaws serve as an important articulation of the governance structure and values of the Association. Bylaws, by their nature, serve as the foundation for an association’s structure rather than as an expression of operating policies or procedures. As such, any recommended changes to the Bylaws are considered carefully by the leadership and recommended for membership vote only when it is believed that the changes are of significance. ACPA’s Bylaws state that all members in good standing have the right to vote on Bylaws changes.

Books and Media Board Seeks Editorial Board Members

The ACPA Books & Media Board (BAM) Editors seek ACPA members who have a record of scholarship and expertise to evaluate book manuscripts and other media for publication.  The Books and Media Board solicits and approves book proposals and other media for publication through ACPA and its publisher.  Board members also serve as editorial consultants on completed manuscripts and media addressing theoretical and administrative issues in student affairs and college student learning

ACPA Statement on Arizona Senate Bill 1062

The American College Personnel Association’s core values include an unwavering commitment to issues of equity and inclusion. ACPA leaders share the concerns of many association members regarding the passage of Arizona Senate Bill 1062 that legalizes a business owner’s right to discriminate against LGBT individuals on the basis of religious belief.

Books and Media Editor Search

ACPA Books and Media (BAM) is seeking an Editor to begin in March 2014. We are seeking individuals with a research background and a record of scholarly productivity. The publication themes range from history to theory to practice applications.  We strive to publish “cutting edge” information that is not available elsewhere.  ACPA is committed to issues related to student learning, human development, diversity, human dignity, community, and professional renewal.  BAM strives to publish at least two books a year.