We are Granite, We are Wise, We are ACPA!

From the President's Desk

Hello. I have just returned from the ACPA Convention in Las Vegas where I assumed the ACPA Presidency at the Annual Businesss Meeting, held on Wednesday, March 6, 2013. I was graciously introduced by my supervisor at the University of Delaware, Dawn Thompson, who serves as our Dean of Students and Associate Vice President. I then offered my Presidential Address, which seems to be an appropriate...

ACPA Supports Ending Native American Imagery As Sports Team Brand

ACPA passed a resolution to support eliminating the use of Native American mascots, logos, symbols and personalities by colleges, universities, and other sports-affiliated organizations. The purpose of this resolution affirms ACPA’s core values and supports healthier campus climates for all students, specifically Native American students.

Statement of Rationale for Proposed Bylaws Changes March 2013

The ACPA Bylaws serve as an important articulation of the governance structure and values of the Association. Bylaws, by their nature, serve as the foundation for an association’s structure rather than as an expression of operating policies or procedures. As such, any recommended changes to the Bylaws are considered carefully by the leadership and recommended for membership vote only when it is believed that the changes are of significance. ACPA’s Bylaws state that all members in good standing have the right to vote on Bylaws changes.

Challenges Facing Our Profession

Greetings and Happy New Year! It has been a few months since I last communicated with you but rest assured there have been many major issues facing the broader society with implications for our profession and higher/tertiary education around the globe: Newtown, Connecticut elementary school shootings and what that says about our readiness on college campuses Hurricane Sandy and the emergency...

Affirmative Action in U.S. College Admissions?

Greetings! On October 10, 2012 the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on the landmark case of Fisher V. University of Texas challenging the use of racial/ethnic preferences in college admissions. I recently had the opportunity to attend a forum with the discussion topic: “Will Affirmative Action in College Admissions Survive?” It was interesting to be revisiting this issue in 2012, given the...