Commission for Academic Support in Higher Education

Name: Amanda Davis

Position on Board: Co-Webinar Chair

Institutions & Job Title: Colorado School of Mines, Academic Advisor


How long on the directorate? Since March 2016

What have been some significant experiences about being engaged/involved in ACPA CASHE? I just started with the directorate so I am still learning the ways things work.  However, I have learned that Twitter is really big within ACPA so I am figuring out how to work that! lol!

What is your vision for the directorate and ACPA at large? I would like us to provide great information and involvement for others involved in ACPA. 


What are your topical areas of interest (within and outside of ACPA CASHE)? I focus a lot on academic service, first generation students and international students. 


What do you do in your free time/ outside of work? I love to run, hike and life weights.  I am a gym junkie!!  I also enjoy watching TV and reading books. 

Tell us one thing no one in ACPA knows about you? My nose is crooked

What is your favorite quote and why?

             “Many women do noble things but you surpass them all”-Proverbs 31:29

It really encourages me to do my best and if is a Bible verse that is really close to my heart.

Is there anything else you want to share in your highlight?  I love working with CASHE and learning so much from fellow colleagues.