Commission for Academic Support in Higher Education

Name: Dana McGuire

Position on Board: Vice Chair for Professional Development and Convention

Institutions & Job: Virginia Tech, Associate Director of the Student Success Center


How long on the directorate? I joined the directorate in March 2014 at the Indianapolis Convention

What have been some significant experiences about being engaged/involved in ACPA CASHE? There are so many things I love about working with CASHE! I love learning about what colleagues at other institutions are doing in regards to academic support by reviewing (and, last year, coordinating) the CASHE-sponsored convention programs and serving on the CASHE awards selection team. I enjoy having a voice in the development of the Commission and working with fellow directorate members to continuously strengthen and improve CASHE. Finally, I appreciate the opportunities for meeting and working with professionals from other institutions who share my love for academic support.


What is your vision for the directorate and ACPA at large? I see CASHE as a critical body in ACPA. We, along with the other entity groups in ACPA, contribute to the holistic development of our students. However, some members of ACPA don’t fully understand the role of CASHE in the organization or how they might fit into the commission membership. My vision for CASHE is that will be able to provide information and opportunities, both on our own and in collaboration with other entity groups and organizations, that will help clarify our role for other ACPA members and help foster a spirit of collaboration between academic support and more traditional student affairs areas both within ACPA and at members’ home institutions.

The second part of my vision is related to the first. I want academic support professionals, as well as people transitioning to academic support from more traditional student affairs roles, to know there is a home for them in ACPA. My vision is that ACPA and CASHE will be one of the first organizations that come to academic support professionals’ minds when they think about professional development and involvement opportunities.


What are your topical areas of interest (within and outside of ACPA CASHE)? Student motivation, student learning and the intersection of social justice and academic success


What do you do in your free time/ outside of work? I love to spending time with my family and playing with my 2 kids, but I also enjoy reading, working out and spending time with friends.

Tell us one thing no one in ACPA knows about you? I love to sing!


What is your favorite quote and why?

I don’t have a favorite quote, but I have a favorite essay. It’s called “Failure Is a Good Thing” by Jon Caroll. It’s part of NPR’s “This I Believe” series (here’s the link:

I love this essay because it aligns so closely with my own views of failure. I also find that this essay can help discouraged students reframe what “failure” means to them and help them think about how they can move forward from disappointment.


Is there anything else you want to share in your highlight?

My involvement in ACPA and CASHE is an important part of my professional identity. Working with the directorate has been such a great experience, but I think it’s just as important to mention that CASHE was my home long before I started my 3-year directorate term. There are so many ways to get involved in CASHE and I encourage anyone who is considering getting involved to do it!