Commission for Academic Support in Higher Education

Name: Julie Lynch

Position on Board: Sponsored Programs Coordinator

Institutions & Job Title: Academic Advisor at the University of Connecticut

How long on the directorate? This will be my second year serving on the directorate


What have been some significant experiences about being engaged/involved in ACPA CASHE?

Before becoming involved with CASHE, I served for six years on the Directorate for the Coalition for Graduate Students and New Professionals.  For me, that was a great starting point in ACPA.  Since Advising is the main focus in my current position, CASHE is a perfect fit for me and allows me to continue to not only  be involved within ACPA, but to network with those who have similar interests in academic support.  This interaction with people who also have an interest in academic support both at convention and throughout the year is the most significant and rewarding experience I have had while being involved with CASHE.  I have come to realize that “academic support” actually encompasses everyone working in higher education.


What is your vision for the directorate and ACPA at large?

My vision for the directorate and ACPA is to continue working together with other commissions and coalitions to provide services needed by our members.

What are your topical areas of interest (within and outside of ACPA CASHE)?

I am interested in professional development opportunities pertaining to supporting students.  I currently chair the Advising Network at UConn, which involves coordinating monthly professional development for academic advisors on campus.


What do you do in your free time/ outside of work? I have 4 wonderful dogs! (3 min-dachshunds and a chocolate lab)

What is your favorite quote and why? My favorite quote is “Just Breath”.  It is important to remember to do that throughout our day, to keep us calm and focused.


Is there anything else you want to share in your highlight?  Please consider submitting a program proposal for the annual convention.  Be on the lookout for more information in the upcoming months about deadlines!