Coalition for (Dis)Ability

Greetings from the Coalition for (Dis)Ability!  Since the 2017 convention,  many exciting endeavors have been undertaken within the the Coalition for (Dis)Ability and ACPA.  We have welcomed new directorate members, established webinars to provide continual development to our members, reviewed programs for the 2018 convention, had a site visit to Houston to ensure accessibility, and sent out a call for our annual awards.  In addition, we are happy to announce that the Deaf Culture Initiative (DCI) has been reactivated!  DCI serves as a centralized source within ACPA for trends and resources in regards to the d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community. 

To stay up to date with the current happenings of the Coalition, like our page on facebook, @ACPA.SCD  On behalf of the entire directorate, we are excited for the bright future ahead of the Coalition for (Dis)Ability  and the support, advocacy, and engagement we are able to provide in the years ahead!  If you have any ideas or recommendations for initiatives, please do not hesitate to reach out. We are always looking for ways to improve the support the Coalition is able to provide.

Dale O'Neill
2017-2018 Coalition for (Dis)Ability Chair