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Pan African Network Committees
Volunteering is a great way to get connected and stay connected with the Pan African Network. Below, learn more about the Committee Work of PAN.
Feel free to view our Get Connected Page for ways to support PAN. Or also reachout to us at pan@acpa.nche.edu for general questions and information about the work.

Recognizes individuals working within the student affairs profession who are committed to supporting the needs of students and professionals of Pan African descent. Awards honor those who have excelled in the areas of citizenship, innovation, advocacy, leadership, and distinguished service to others. These individuals serve as a source of pride and inspiration to others by giving unselfishly of themselves in order to enhance the student affairs profession.
Acknowledges recipients and nominees during the annual conference, and throughout the year utilizing PAN-sponsored media outlets.
Community Outreach & Civic Engagement
Develops initiatives and researches programs that promote and raise awareness of issues affecting the Pan African community.
Facilitates the Erica Holloman Day of Remembrance (Wear P!NK) at the annual convention.
Foundation Mentoring Program
The Foundations Mentoring Program (FMP) is a network of new and seasoned Pan African professionals within the higher education profession who participate in our semi-structured mentorship program. FMP is instrumental in connecting our PAN membership to one of our core values of Mentoring, specifically as we view mentorship as central to the promotion of success in our students and the long-term success of PAN professionals and scholars.
Generates and promotes year-round membership engagement, recruitment, and retention.
Maintains membership master list
Curates digital and physical experiences for professional and student ACPA members of the African diaspora to network, share ideas, engage in developmental dialogue, expand their knowledge, acknowledge and express all layers of their identity, and feel safe, supported, and affirmed.
Public Relations/Social Media
Distributes PAN paraphernalia (i.e. pins, buttons, and brochures) during the annual conference.
Engages and updates membership through social media, newsletters, and the PAN Fried Podcast
Creates digital and print media to maintain a cohesive and consistent PAN Brand across platforms
Research and Scholarship
Spearhead the initiative to solicit, recruit, submit, and review programs reflecting the Pan-African community and their experiences to be hosted at the annual Convention
Develop resources on best practices to advance scholarship and careers in Higher Education/Student Affairs and conduct research regarding trends
Work with PRSM Team and Network Chairs to share resources and engage PAN constituents in professional development in the form of webinars, conference calls, etc.
Provides networking and social engagement opportunities for students and professionals of Pan African descent at the annual ACPA Convention.
Coordinates regional meet-ups/socials, as requested by the general membership.
Volunteer Engagement
Create a formalized “Call for Volunteers” process to recruit and then maintain a volunteer pool
Serve as a secondary outreach and accountability for volunteers for the successful completion of committee assigned tasks