In Memoriam–Marybeth Drechsler Sharp

From the President's Desk

ACPA-College Student Educators International joins our higher education and student affairs colleagues in mourning the loss of Marybeth Drechsler Sharp, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) on Tuesday, 5 June, 2018. Marybeth has been an active member of ACPA since 2002 and was awarded the ACPA Foundation Diamond Honoree Award at our...

College Student Educators as Scholars Part II

From the President's Desk

In my December post, I argued that college student educators are scholars if we use Boyer’s (1990) definition of scholarship. Boyer articulated four different types of scholarship: discovery, integration, application, and teaching and learning. The scholarship of discovery is what many of us typically envision when we think about research – gathering data that leads to new knowledge. Scholarship...

College Student Educators as Scholars

From the President's Desk

ACPA President’s Blog – December 2015 - College Student Educators as Scholars Recently, I was invited to write a piece for the second issue of Journal of Student Affairs Inquiry , coming out in the spring of 2016. It is an open-sourced journal started by Daniel Newhart at Oregon State University to stimulate discourse regarding student affairs assessment. Daniel’s vision is for the field to move...

What Should College Students Learn?

From the President's Desk

This summer in my June blog post, I discussed the concept that college completion and student learning are two sides of the same coin – we cannot foster one without fostering the other. College completion, be it a certificate, associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree or more is important today because more jobs requiring advanced education and average personal earnings increase with education...

Fulfilling Our Promise to Students: Fostering and Demonstrating Student Learning and Success

From the President's Desk

The benefit of June, July, and August on many college campuses is that the pace slows down allowing time for reflection and planning for the coming academic year. I’ve spent those months continuing to consider our role as college student educators in fostering student learning and success. Currently, a great deal of focus is on student learning in higher education. President Obama’s completion...