The Commission for Campus Safety and Emergency Preparedness is now accepting nominations for the following two awards.  Nominations for awards must be received by November 18, 2016.  To submit a nomination, click HERE.

Outstanding Contribution to Campus Safety and Emergency Preparedness

The Outstanding Contribution to Campus Safety and Emergency Preparedness Award honors an individual who has demonstrated significant involvement in the development of an exceptional program, service, or piece of scholarship in the area of campus safety or emergency preparedness.  Contributions must have resulted in a positive impact at the departmental, institutional, or association level. Any ACPA member may submit a nomination, but only ACPA CCSEP members are eligible to receive the award.

Distinguished Service to the Commission for Campus Safety and Emergency Preparedness

The Distinguished Service to the Task Force for Campus Safety and Emergency Preparedness (CCSEP) Award honors an individual who has displayed exemplary service to the Commission; going above and beyond ordinary expectations in terms of dedicated time, energy, and contributions. The recipient should demonstrate an ongoing dedication to the mission and goals of the Commission, uphold professional standards, and positively represent the Commission and ACPA. Any ACPA member may submit a nomination, but only ACPA CCSEP members are eligible to receive the award.

CCSEP Awards Timeline for 2016-2017:

-October 28 - Announce awards and open nominations

-November 18 - Nominations due

-November 21-30 - Nominations reviewed by selection committee

-December 1 - Notify award recipients

-December 1 - 9 - Submit CCSEP award recipients to ACPA