Commission for Assessment and Evaluation

The Commission for Assessment and Evaluation is excited to announce Costa Mesa, California as the location for the 2017 Student Affairs Assessment Institute. The Assessment Institute provides a unique opportunity to learn assessment in a focused curricular experience. The two and half day institute provides an opportunity for a deep dive to learn about assessment in student affairs. The institute is developed and taught by faculty who are leaders in the field of student affairs assessment. Each institute session has defined outcomes that align with the ACPA and NASPA Competencies, allowing each session to build on one another to move participants through the assessment cycle. The Assessment Institute also includes to practice the skills you are learning and to interact with faculty in small groups.

The Institute provides a solid foundation for those brand new to assessment and a refresher to more experienced assessment leaders. The Institute offers two tracks, one for those engaged in assessment efforts within a department and a second divisional track for those leading assessment efforts across multiple departments. This year, we are excited to offer a third specialized track for community and two-year colleges. The planning team has invited faculty with expertise in the opportunities and challenges of assessment in this specific institutional environment.

Institute participants will leave with practical skills to advance their assessment efforts on their home campus. We also hope to inspire you with keynote sessions provided by Dr. Larry Roper ( and Kenneth Gonzalez with Achieving the Dream (

I am very proud to serve as chair of the Assessment Institute. I attended as a participant five years ago and have served as a faculty member every year since. It has been an amazing professional and personal experience! I love working with faculty who are passionate about making assessment more accessible. It is so rewarding to witness participants leave the institute with practical skills and a newfound confidence.

I hope you will consider joining us in Costa Mesa this summer from Tuesday, June 20th, 2017- Friday, June 23rd, 2017. For more information and to register, please click here. 

Martha Glass, Ph.D.

Senior Director for Assessment and Professional Development

Division of Student Affairs

Virginia Tech