Commission for Global Dimensions of Student Development
Friday, 9 November 2018 - 11:00am to 12:00pm

Recording & Other Resources:

A recording of the Webinar is available here:

The PowerPoint of the presentation is available here: 


Student mobility is at an all-time high (IEE Center for Academic Mobility, 2018). In 2015, an estimated 4.6 million students crossed a border to pursue their education - a massive increase from the 2.1 million students in 2001. While English-speaking countries continue to be the largest hosts with about 50% of the world's international students studying in either the U.S., UK, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, many other countries have increased their recruitment of international students. 

Institutions aspire to bring international students to their campus for many reasons. One of the advantages of having an international population on campus is the opportunity to encourage cross-cultural interactions and better prepare students for working and living in a globalized world. 

Much of the research around international students has focused on the experiences of international students - their adjustment to a new culture, challenges they may face in and outside of the classroom, and their learning. Little is known on how engaging with international students impacts domestic students.

Cody Rosenbarker conducted a qualitative research study to explore how living with an international student impacts the overall mental health and well-being of their American roommate. The study centered around the experiences of six host students (16-22 years old at the time of their experience) who lived in a residence hall with an international student roommate or suite mate. The study explored potential benefits and drawbacks of these experiences for the host students. This study is the first, to our knowledge, to shed light on potential impacts of living with an international students and has the potential to guide practitioners who work with international and domestic students in a residential setting. 


Cody Rosenbarker

Cody Rosenbarker is a student affairs professional specializing in international education and sustainability initiatives. Cody, currently the Sustainability Learning Coordinator at Dickinson College, holds a Master's Degree in College Student Counseling and Personnel Services from Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania. Cody has a wealth of international experiences. From 2015-2018, Cody served as a Student Services Coordinator at Lacoste School of the Arts in France. Cody has experience of working with English Immersion Camps in France and as a English Teaching Assistant in French Guiana. He also served as an International Student Recruitment Graduate Assistant during his Master's program in the U.S.

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