#SACommits - The Two Faces of Depression, by Gavin Henning, ACPA President

I’m sitting on my therapist’s sofa, physically and emotionally distressed. “I need to try something different,” I told her. In the year we had been working together, she had never seen me this upset. But this time felt different. This time was different. My wife and I had another fight about my drinking and my detachment. I thought it was the breaking point in my life. And our marriage. That was...

New Resource for Professionals: Reputation Management

Dr. Cindi Love, Executive Director

Dear Colleagues, I am pleased to share an online publication by Online Reputation Management as a free resource for professionals and those starting to look for a first job. Read the excerpt below. The Ultimate Guide to Online Reputation Management for Professionals Google is the first place we turn to when we want to find out more about someone. 92% of hiring managers do it , potential dates and...

ACPA Awareness: United Nations & International Day Against Transphobia, Homophobia and Biphobia

Dr. Cindi Love, Executive Director

On Monday, 11 May 2015, I will represent ACPA at a meeting with Steve Berry, Special Envoy for the Human Rights of LGBT Persons for the State Department. This conversation about human rights for all people takes place on the International Day Against Transphobia, Homophobia and Biphobia and is hosted by the United Nations Foundation. Our invitation arises out of my service on the Working Group to...

The Completion Agenda: Opportunities for College Student Educators

From the President's Desk

Regardless of the news source one turns to, the completion agenda is in the headlines of the higher education section. It’s also the hot topic on the radar screens of policymakers’ and college presidents. While many higher education officials are concerned with the impact this federal policy has on higher education at the national, state, and local level, we as college student educators can...

OCR issues Title IX update

Dr. Cindi Love, Executive Director

28 April 2015 TIME SENSITIVE INFORMATION Dear Colleagues: On 24 April 2015, the US Department of Education Office for Civil Rights issued new information for support of Title IX Coordinators on school districts, college and university campuses. The DOE reminds all institutions receiving Federal financial assistance that they must designate at least one employee to coordinate compliance and other...