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Who We Are

The Coalition for Sexuality and Gender Identities (CSGI) is one of the Entity Groups within ACPA charged to increase awareness, eliminate oppression, and provide support for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community in higher education, for faculty, students, and staff. We strive to further professional competencies related to topics as campus climate, equity, identity development, research & scholarship, and program development for the LGBTQ community.

Core Values

Education- raising awareness and supporting research about identity development and hot topic issues for the LGBTQ community within higher education

Advocacy- work to create inclusive, equitable environments, to eliminate oppression and to influence student affairs policy for the LGBTQ community

Networking- providing space and a support environment for LGBTQ professionals to affirm and celebrate identity

Have ideas or feedback about how the CSGI can best serve you, a campus community, and/or the Association? Contact us!