Call for JCSD Editorial Board
The Journal of College Student Development (JCSD) seeks nominations and applications for two of its Editorial Boards. The JCSD Editorial Board (ED) is for established scholars with a publication record. The Research in Brief (RIB) Review Board (RB) is for advanced doctoral students and starting scholars and will review shorter RIB manuscripts.

Get Involved with ACPA’s Strategic Plan
The ACPA Strategic Plan Implementation Committee seeks members interested in being involved in one (or more) of four projects of this phase of our work. Review the list of projects below and email us at info@acpa.nche.edu to get involved today (priority response deadline to express your interest is 2 October, 2020)!

Join the 2021 Awards Committee
ACPA Awards celebrate and honor colleagues who have made a profound impact within ACPA and the profession as a whole. We have been very fortunate to have dedicated ACPA volunteers serve on the Awards Committee and we need your assistance in continuing this strong volunteer tradition of honoring these great people and institutions who are Award Recipients.

Apply to be Danielle Morgan Acosta's Presidential Intern!
Each year, the newly elected ACPA Vice President/President-Elect selects a person to help the president manage the administrative and scheduling demands of their Governing Board role. The ACPA Presidential Intern assists the President with administrative tasks, communications, managing and scheduling, and special projects.
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