CSI Awards and Grants
Thank you for your interest in the ACPA and CSI Awards processes. To learn more about the awards that CSI has to offer please continue to read our page below. Additionally, you can start the awards submission process soon here:
The deadline to submit an application is Friday, 6 November 2020.
Program of the Year
The Program of the Year Award honors an ACPA institution for an innovative program conceived by the campus that exceeds programming expectations in one of the four functional areas (fraternity/sorority affairs, organizations/activities, service/service-learning, and leadership) of the Commission for Student Involvement. The award is based on student involvement, creativity and the success of the program, as determined by the achievement of the stated program goals. The recipient of this award will have their program highlighted in one of the Commission’s publications.
Supporting documents to attach with the nomination should include posters, flyers or assessment data, along with any other program material that will assist the committee with their decision. Also, please provide the name, phone number, and email address of a student or staff member who could serve as a reference if the committee feels they need to gather more supporting information.
The Outstanding Graduate Student Award
This award seeks to acknowledge an individual who has made a significant impact upon students, their department, and/or campus through specific initiatives or by way of their day-to-day interactions with others. The award also attempts to acknowledge regional and/or national participation in the field. The recipient of this award will be invited to write an article for Interchange, the Commission’s quarterly publication to highlight their research.
The recipient must be a member of ACPA; be currently enrolled in a graduate degree program in a related area; volunteer work, and/or conduct research in one of the four functional areas (fraternity/sorority affairs, organizations/activities, service/service-learning, and leadership) of the Commission for Student Involvement.
The Outstanding New Professional Award
This award seeks to acknowledge an individual who has made a significant impact upon students, their department, and/or campus through specific initiatives or by way of their day-to-day interactions with others. The award also attempts to acknowledge regional and/or national participation in the field.
The recipient must be a member of ACPA; has been working in the field for 0-4 years; works in one of the four functional areas (fraternity/sorority affairs, organizations/activities, service/service-learning, and leadership); has demonstrated a commitment and/or has made contributions to the functional area of Student Involvement.
The Outstanding Leading Professional Award
The Outstanding Leading Professional Award will be presented to a professional staff member. The recipient for this award will be featured in one of our publications in the upcoming year.
The recipient must be a member of ACPA; has been employed as a professional staff member in the field of student affairs for at least five years; has demonstrated commitment to the profession through work both at their institution and through professional organizations; is viewed by colleagues as an educator; displays genuine support and regard for students; has involvement in and contribution to one of the four functional areas (fraternity/sorority affairs, organizations/activities, service/service-learning, and leadership) of the Commission for Student Involvement; is currently employed as a full-time professional staff member at a College or University.
The Outstanding Service to the Commission Award
The Outstanding Service to the Commission Award honors a professional staff member who has displayed exemplary service and commitment of time and energy to both the Commission for Student Involvement and the profession. The recipient has given outstanding service to the Commission, upheld professional standards showing integrity, and holds the esteem and appreciation of colleagues, students and peers.
The recipient must be a member of ACPA and the Commission for Student Involvement; has involvement in and contributions to ACPA; has involvement in and contributions to a Commission for Student Involvement functional area (fraternity/sorority affairs, organizations/activities, service/service-learning, and leadership); has held leadership position(s) within the Commission for Student Involvement; has made contributions to the individual's campus and/or agency; displays genuine support and regard for students.
Research Awards
In order to encourage research and scholarship in student involvement (including targeted research in the four functional areas the CSI oversees), the Commission for Student Involvement (CSI) will award two $500 research grants. All ACPA members are eligible. Graduate students are especially encouraged to apply. Research question(s) must align with the various purposes and activities of the four functional areas of the CSI or their intersections (fraternity/sorority affairs, organizations/activities, service/service-learning, and leadership). Additional consideration will be given to research that brings a critical and/or social justice lens. Grant money can support research in the following ways: marketing, promotion, or incentives to attract participants; transcription assistance; travel for researchers; others as approved by the CSI's Vice Chair for Research.
Commission membership is NOT required.
To apply, please upload a proposal. The proposal should be submitted in standard APA-format with the required sections outlined below. Proposal must include: description of the issue being investigated; research design; description of sample population; research timeline; description of significance of research to student affairs and the CSI; hypothesis of possible conclusions.