Coalition on Men and Masculinities
Thursday, 5 May 2016 (All day) to Monday, 30 May 2016 (All day)
The leadership team for the Coalition on Men and Masculinities had productive meetings in Montreal and set some terrific goals for our year ahead. The leadership team will be continuing to focus on a more comprehensive 365-day professional development and engagement model.
In order to achieve this goal, we are in need of volunteers who would be willing to serve as Coordinators. Coordinator roles are one-year appointed leadership roles that support the Vice Chairs in their work. These are meant as professional development opportunities for individuals to become more directly involved in the work of the CMM and benefit our group as well as the larger Association. In order to be a Coordinator you must be a current member of ACPA & will be renewing your membership for next year.
This post includes a description of all of the Coordinator roles; please review these descriptions closely. To apply for a Coordinator position or multiple positions, please click here. Applications are due Monday, May 30, 2016 by 12:00PM Eastern Standard Time.
In the next few months, we look forward to telling you about upcoming free webinars that will be available to all of our members as well as opportunities for you to connect and dialogue with colleagues through our interest clusters. We hope that you will be excited about the programs we are planning, and I look forward to having several of you partner with us in these available Coordinator roles to see these ideas come to fruition!
Thank you so much for your continued membership and support of the CMM!
Apply Today via the online Application
2016-2017 positions
Coordinator for Awards( 1)
Coordinator for Marketing and Graphic Design (1)
Coordinators for Social Media (2-3)
Coordinators for Sponsored Programs (2-3)
Coordinator for Webinar Development (1)
Coordinator for Resource Development (1)
Coordinator for Awards
The CMM Coordinator for Awards works with the Vice-Chair for Membership Outreach. This individual will assist in the promotion, recruitment, and selection of the CMM Awards process. This position is an important one in helping the CMM showcase the outstanding research and practice in the area of men's development among the CMM membership.
Responsibilities Include:
- Work with the Vice-Chair for Membership Outreach and the Vice-Chair for Member Education to develop a marketing plan for soliciting nominations for CMM Awards
- Assist with the creation and implementation of other methods of identifying and recognizing outstanding work among CMM members
- Coordinate the Awards selection process and serve as a voting member of the awards selection committee
- Pursue opportunities with other entity groups to identify outstanding work among CMM members
- Help the Vice-Chair for Membership Outreach with any special projects or tasks
- Participate in monthly check ins.
Coordinator for Marketing & Graphic Design (1 Coordinator)
The CMM Coordinator for Marketing & Graphic works in conjunction with the Vice Chair for Membership Engagement. This individual will assist in the design, communication, and distribution of materials created for the CMM to engage our membership in upcoming events, opportunities, research, conferences, etc. This Coordinator is an important position in helping us engage our membership in a 365 day engagement process. Skill in Microsoft Publisher, Adobe Photoshop, or other software is strongly desired.
Responsibilities Include:
- Work closely with the Vice Chair for Membership Engagement & the Coordinator for Social Media & the CMM Leadership Team
- Design fliers, communication materials, & additional means of advertising for ACPA CMM that will be geared toward ACPA Members and other higher education community members
- Work closely with other Coordinators and Vice Chairs to help create marketing materials for special events, including an annual convention schedule or internal publications.
- Assist in the design of the annual CMM pin, one of the group’s largest fundraisers
- Assist in live-tweeting CMM programs/events, as needed.
- Provide analytic data to the Vice Chair for Marketing and Communications
- Participate in bi-weekly &/or monthly check in’s
Coordinator for Social Media (2-3 Coordinators)
The CMM Coordinator for Social Media works in conjunction with the Vice Chair for Marketing and Communications to provide oversight the CMM social media platforms. This individual will provide direction for the strategic use, network growth, and use of multiple sites, including but not limited to LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog and ACPA SalesForce. This Coordinator is an important position in helping us engage our membership in a 365 day engagement process.
Responsibilities Include:
- Work closely with the Vice Chair for Membership Engagement & the Coordinator Graphic Design, & the CMM Leadership Team
- Develop Social media sites/presences and develop schedules and strategies for each platform
- Coordinate Blog Schedule
- Recruit bloggers
- Assist bloggers in providing editorial insight
- Help serve as a primary provider of resources and engagement via these social media sites
- Help advertise the blog, publications, articles, engagement opportunities, etc. & help connect users to other CMM Social Media outlets
- Assist in live-tweeting SCMM programs/events, as needed.
- Participate in bi-weekly &/or monthly check in’s
Coordinator for Sponsored Programs (2-3 Coordinators)
The CMM Coordinator for Sponsored Programs works in conjunction with the Vice Chair for Convention Programs to recruit, review, and select sponsored programs for the annual ACPA convention. The Coordinator will help in the recruitment of program reviewers from the ACPA SCMM membership and assist the Vice Chair in all aspects of programming for the annual convention, including sponsored programs, SCMM events, and other programs.
Responsibilities Include:
- Collaborate with the Vice Chair for Research and Scholarship and the Vice Chair of Marketing and Communications to coordinate the marketing of the following:
- Sponsored Programming Proposals
- Sponsored Programming Closed Reviewers
- Convention Programming Marketing
- Implement planning to identify programing reviewers for the Sponsored Programming Proposals
- Communicate with various programming chairs regarding sponsorship of programs
- Work w/ Vice Chair on selection of sponsored programming for Convention.
- Work w/ Vice Chair to plan and implement Convention programming
Coordinator for Webinar Development
The CMM Coordinator for Webinar Development works in conjunction with the Vice Chair for Research and Scholarship identifying, recruiting, and selecting scholarly presentations for the CMM Webinar Series. This individual will research individuals who may provide quality presentations, conduct outreach with potential presenters, and coordinate logistics for webinar development. The Coordinator will coordinate the promotion of the CMM Webinar Series. Additionally, the Coordinator for Webinar Development will assist the Vice Chair for Research and Scholarship with all CMM projects and publications.
Responsibilities Include:
- Work closely with the Vice Chair for Research and Scholarship
- Research and identify scholar practitioners who can contribute to the SCMM Webinar Series
- Conduct outreach and recruitment to secure presenters
- Coordinate logistics with presenters of webinar presentations
- Publicize webinars to CMM and ACPA/Higher Education communities
- Encourage presenters to submit sponsored program proposals for convention
- Review submitted works to be considered for publication
- Help in the selection of submissions to be published
- Publicize written works to CMM and ACPA/Higher Education communities
Coordinator for Resource Development
The CMM Coordinator for Resource Development works in conjunction with the Vice Chair for Research and Scholarship creating, gathering, and distributing various college men and masculinities resources for the CMM and broader higher education community. The purpose of this role is to help college men and masculinities educators bridge the gap between scholarship and practice. From compiling a database of seminal college men and masculinities research to distributing the most cutting edge scholarship in the field, the Coordinator for Resource Development will work to establish research and scholarship resources that are accessible and meaningful for college men and masculinities educators. Additionally, the Coordinator for Webinar Development will assist the Vice Chair for Research and Scholarship with all CMM projects and publications.
Responsibilities Include:
- Work closely with the Vice Chair for Research and Scholarship
- Compile a comprehensive database of seminal scholarship related to college masculinity
- Collect current scholarship (books, articles, blogs, etc.) related to college masculinity
- Distribute research and scholarship to educators through an accessible platform
- Provide a “Year in Review” summary of current scholarship at ACPA Convention
- Aid in the planning for the CMM Emerging Scholars Workshop at ACPA Convention
- Review submitted works to be considered for publication
- Help in the selection of submissions to be published
- Publicize written works to CMM and ACPA/Higher Education communities