MARCH 26-30

Sponsored Programs

"Putting My Man Face On": College Men's Gender Identity Development
Presenter: Keith Edwards -

Monday, March 28, 2011
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Baltimore Convention Center, 339

Abstract:  This program will explore a theory of college men’s gender identity development that emerged as a result of a research study of college men’s experiences as men conducted through a social justice theoretical lens. The participants’ perspectives on how they understand themselves as men, how those understandings have changed over time, and what has influenced those changes will be shared through video vignettes. Implications for fostering college men’s development and how patriarchy and privilege are learned, reinforced, and perhaps transcended.

“Yes Means Yes”: A Student/Faculty/Staff Mini-Course Promoting Positive Sexuality
Co-Sponsored by Standing Committee for Men and Standing Committee for Women
Presenters: Scott C. Brown  -
Dawn LaFrance -
Kim Taylor -

Monday, March 28, 2011
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Baltimore Convention Center, 325

Abstract:  Are your students confused by the “hook up” culture? Do they not know how to ask for what they want in a relationship? Would they like to navigate their relationships better? Colgate developed “Yes Means Yes” (YMY), a five week mini-course facilitated by faculty, staff, and students, which addresses consensual relationships, positive sexuality, and sexual decision-making. This program will provide an overview of the course, how to implement on your campus, and data collection techniques to demonstrate effectiveness.

Exploring Identity in Entry-Level Men: Can there Be More?
Presenters: Daniel W. Calhoun -
Deborah Taub -

Monday, March 28, 2011
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Baltimore Convention Center, 314

Abstract:  What is it like to be an entry-level man in student affairs today? What impact does being a man have on one’s experiences in the field? 
In a time where the gender balance in higher education continues to tip, we must provide support not only to our students, but to our staff as well.
New research will be presented that addresses the questions above from the perspectives of the men themselves. Come to this session and hear their stories!

Masculinities in Higher Education: Author Panel Introducing the New Book
Presenters: Tracy L. Davis -
Jason Laker -
Rachel Wagner -
Brian Reed -
Randy Ludeman -

Monday, March 28, 2011
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Baltimore Convention Center, 321

Abstract:  The current discourse regarding men and masculinities is stagnated by binary notions of privilege and oppression which fail to promote understanding of complex lived identities, intersections between identities, and ways in which hegemonic masculinity is constructed. A new book aimed at effectively addressing these shortfalls, published in 2011 by Routledge, will be introduced. In this session, editors and chapter authors will discuss empirical evidence, theoretical support and developmental interventions for working with college men in and out of the classroom.

Yo Dude! Communication of Masculinity in Residential Environments
Presenters:  Paul E York -
Mike Edmonds -

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Baltimore Convention Center, 316

Student Affairs professionals are seeing men disappear from campus organization involvement and the campus population; while increasing their presence on student concern lists and in conduct settings. In this session, we will discuss the findings of a study that looked at the communication of masculinity between men on single-sex and co-ed floors in traditional residential living environments. We will facilitate a dialogue about communication of masculinity on campus and how this is affecting men’s participation in the educational enterprise.